How To Draw Mushrooms

How To Draw Mushrooms
How To Draw Mushrooms

Table of contents:


Before painting still lifes composed of a large number of objects, you can practice drawing parts of it separately. So, for example, laconic sketches of mushrooms can serve as both a training exercise and an independent completed drawing.

How to draw mushrooms
How to draw mushrooms

It is necessary

Paper, pencil, eraser, watercolors, brushes, glass for water, palette


Step 1

Place your watercolor paper vertically. Use a simple pencil (hardness 2T) to trace the outlines of your drawing on it to better understand how to position the objects on the paper. Avoid drawing strictly in the center, it is better to move the paths a little to the left.

Step 2

For each mushroom, draw a vertical axis. They will not be perfectly straight, since the shape of the object is not strictly geometric, but this will help you to convey it more accurately. Look at what proportion of the total height of the mushroom falls on its cap, and how much on the leg. Mark these proportions on each of the axes with short horizontal lines.

Step 3

Draw horizontal axes in the upper and lower parts of the cap, the width of which is equal to the width of this part of the mushroom. Build on the axes of a circle, varying their shape in accordance with the laws of perspective. The higher the point from which you look at the caps, the more “open” the circle will be. Connect the top and bottom of the hat, built in this way, with smooth, rounded lines.

Step 4

In order not to be mistaken with the shape of the mushroom leg, build 2-3 circles according to the same principle in those parts of it where the width changes most. Focusing on these constructions, draw the side faces of the leg.

Step 5

When the construction is completed, erase all the auxiliary lines, leaving only the outlines in those parts of the drawing that are visible to the eye. It will also be useful to dim their brightness with the help of an eraser - "nag".

Step 6

Start working with watercolor on the lightest parts of the mushroom - in this case, the bottom of the cap. After mixing the desired colors on the palette, try them on a draft (the paper should be the same as for the main drawing). Then fill a part of the picture with color, wait a few seconds and use a semi-dry brush to remove its excess from the lightest, almost white areas of the hat. Cover the legs of the mushroom with the same color, adding a cool shade to it for shaded areas.

Step 7

Covering the top of the cap with watercolor, notice that the darkest areas are located in the center of the cap, and towards the edges they gradually lose their saturation. Observing these color transitions will help you create volume in the drawing.

Step 8

Periodically step back from the sheet of paper a few steps - so mistakes and shortcomings will become more noticeable.
