How To Build A Snow House

How To Build A Snow House
How To Build A Snow House

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If you are going on a winter expedition to snow-covered areas and do not want to lug a tent with you, then tips on building a snow house will come in handy. Such a house is able to protect a person from any vagaries of nature, will give an opportunity to rest, spend the night in shelter.

How to build a snow house
How to build a snow house


Step 1

For the construction of a snow shelter, the most suitable is a crust of snow of medium density. It cuts well, is not heavy and durable. Therefore, you must first find a suitable construction site.

Step 2

Start building the house long before dark so that everything is in time by the onset of dusk. Even if you have full equipment, and at least some experience in the construction of such forms, then the construction will take at least two hours. And for a beginner, time is doubled.

Step 3

First, lay out the quarry in which the bricks are cut. The quarry is a small pit, 1x1 meter in size and 50 cm deep. Blocks are cut from its edges. You can cut with a special hacksaw saw or with improvised means: a snow shovel, a ski or an ordinary branch. Of course, in the latter case, the speed will be much lower.

Step 4

It is more convenient to cut bricks that stand upright. The first block is cut from four sides and kicked out of the monolith. The next ones need to be cut only on three sides.

Step 5

The first blocks, in the amount of 15-20 pieces, will serve as a foundation, so make them a little larger. After harvesting the blocks, draw a circle on the trampled area, the diameter of which is approximately 2.5-2.7 m for two residents.

Step 6

Lay the first row of brick blocks around the perimeter of the circle. Then cut all of them diagonally, and lay the second row on the resulting step. The lower rows should be laid at an angle of about 30 degrees, and the upper ones can be tilted 40-45 degrees.

Step 7

The nearby blocks should not touch each other - otherwise they will not be very stable. It is better to leave small holes, which you will then cover with snow.

Step 8

When laying the blocks, also make sure that you do not get one solid vertical line when they are connected. Otherwise, the house may split in half.

Step 9

Close the upper hole with one block. This will facilitate the work and speed up the construction process. Place it carefully on top of the top row of bricks. If holes have formed where, seal them well with the remains of lumps.

Step 10

And the final stage - cut a hole in the wall at ground level for the entrance, which can then be closed with a separate block.

Step 11

Such a snow house will give you the opportunity to wait out the bad weather and rest before the next difficult day.
