How To Change Color In Garena

How To Change Color In Garena
How To Change Color In Garena

Table of contents:


Garena is a dedicated platform for online games that allows you to realize their functions by creating a VPN connection. It is characterized by the presence of the function of changing the interface.

How to change color in Garena
How to change color in Garena

It is necessary

Internet connection


Step 1

Launch the World of Warcraft game installed on your computer in multiplayer mode via the Garena server. The color of the nickname can be changed here both in a network game and in a local one. This feature does not even depend on the server, since it is provided directly by the developers.

Step 2

In the player's menu, pay attention to the special code indicated next to the nickname. This is the color code. Knowing others, you can easily change it to your favorite color. For example, to change the nickname to blue, you need to enter in the field. | C000000ff (username). Remember to put a full stop before entering the code. To assign red color to your nickname, write. | C00ff0000 (username); yellow -. | c00fff00; for the gold color of the nickname, write. | c00ffbd00; for black -. | c00000000; gray -. | c007c7c7c.

Step 3

Use this technique when changing the interface of other similar games. Please also note that the color table is provided on the Internet - a special code is indicated in it opposite each position. Please note that the color of your nickname will not be visible to you, but other users will definitely notice it. Also, do not forget about such a parameter as the length of your nickname - it should not exceed 5 characters.

Step 4

Use the color code to change other game parameters and fine-tune the interface. Find out where the editing of a particular object takes place and change the color for the desired element. Also pay attention to special codes and additional programs that change the game interface in automatic mode, you can find them on the Internet. Using some of them can harm your operating system, so try to download only additional game material verified by other users. In this case, you will not need to restore the system.
