How To Make A Picture From Birch Bark

How To Make A Picture From Birch Bark
How To Make A Picture From Birch Bark

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Since ancient times, birch bark has been used to make household utensils - such dishes served for a long time, because the material from which they were made is not subject to aging and decay. Birch bark is a unique natural material, the texture and color of which awakens imagination even among people far from art.

How to make a picture from birch bark
How to make a picture from birch bark

It is necessary

  • - natural materials (birch bark, moss, straw, leaves, etc.);
  • - tweezers;
  • - cardboard;
  • - tracing paper;
  • - PVA glue.


Step 1

Before you start creating, you need to collect and properly prepare the material - birch bark. Look for deadwood or cut trees in a forest or park. For panels or paintings, you need a birch bark at least 20 cm wide. Carefully make cuts and remove the bark. Then boil the birch bark in an enamel pan for at least 10 minutes, straighten it, stratify it, if possible, into thin plates, arrange according to shades, dry it a little and put it under a press.

Step 2

Prepare the base for the painting. It can serve as cardboard or a board on which you need to glue the birch bark. If your plates are small, lay them out from left to right, overlapping about a third of the plate. Use the glue carefully - coat only the middle of the plate so that no ugly smudges form.

Step 3

Sketch your future work. The basis can be taken as well-known works of art, and your own work. Transfer the painting to tracing paper and place it in front of you. Take a base and start laying out the background - horizon line, sky, water or earth. After each stage, it is necessary to let the work dry under the press.

Step 4

On the finished background, begin to lay out objects - houses, figures, sculptures, etc. The sequence of the painting, and in this case the landscape, is such that you first need to arrange the elements of the third plan, then the second, and only at the very end of the first.

Step 5

Separate small objects are made as follows: the desired part is cut out of the sketch, laid out with natural material and glued together with tracing paper to the picture. At the end of the work, work on the foreground - flowers, stones, steps. For detailed strokes, use color-matched cotton thread. Put the completed work for half an hour under a light press.

Step 6

In addition to birch bark, other natural materials can be used in the work - banana peels (after drying, their peel has a velvet texture), garlic and onion husks (it conveys water glare well), leaves and needles of trees, moss, dried flowers, herbs, straw.
