Where To Buy Postcrossing Cards

Where To Buy Postcrossing Cards
Where To Buy Postcrossing Cards

Postcrossing involves exchanging postcards. The project participants always face the problem of where to buy postcards of various themes. In search of interesting copies, they go to the post office, to bookstores. Internet resources also come to the rescue.

Postcards come in sets and individually
Postcards come in sets and individually

Many people are collecting. Among them there are those who are especially fond of postcards. These are the people who gathered on the Postcrossing website.

What is postcrossing

Postcrossing is a project created so that card lovers can exchange them.

In 2005, Portuguese student Paulo Magalles, a great lover of correspondence, decided to expand the circle of his addressees and created a special website for this. At first, Paulo was supported by his family and friends. Later, the site expanded and brought together mail lovers from all over the world.

In 2013, the Postcrossing website recorded the 20 millionth postcard received.

The site's operation scheme is very simple. First, of course, you need to register there. Then the system offers a random address from its database, where the postcard should be sent. The person who receives the postcard registers it. Immediately, the sender's address falls out to one of the site's members, who sends the postcard to the address. Thus, the circulation of postcards takes place all over the world.

The site also has a forum where users can exchange in a more targeted manner. Thematic groups are created, within which the exchange of postcards, stamps, envelopes takes place.

In Russia, the Postcrossing project is very popular; today there are already more than 50 thousand participants.

Where to find postcards

To be an active user of postcrossing, you need to have a stock of postcards of various themes. After all, it is important to send not just what kind of postcard, but to choose exactly the one that the addressee will certainly like. Each project participant writes about his preferences in the profile. And everyone has a problem: where to buy postcrossing cards.

One option is to go to the post office. It is at the post office that stamps, both ordinary and artistic, are purchased. But with postcards it is more difficult here. Congratulatory cards, which usually have a fairly large selection, are not always suitable for postcrossing. But some, of course, are worth buying.

Sometimes there are specific postcards in the post office, they are in great demand among fans of postcrossing.

The next place to buy postcards is in bookstores. But even there is not always a suitable assortment. Although sometimes you can find interesting sets of cards, which will be delighted by many collectors around the world. Therefore, the avid postcrosser is not faced with the question of "take or not take" if he meets something interesting.

However, post offices and wealthy bookstores are the lot of large cities. And among the postcrossing participants, there are many residents of small towns and villages, where it is problematic to find the right postcards. The Internet comes to the rescue.

Specialized online stores have a significantly larger selection of postcards than other places. You can order copies of almost any subject there. Links to these stores can be found on the postcrossing site. Popular postcard stores include Pochomaniya, PostcardID, PostCardPress and others. There are postcards in the well-known online bookstores Labyrinth and Ozone. Sometimes you can write postcards directly from the publishers that print similar products.
