Taurus are people who are able to surprise with their calmness. They are balanced and know what they want. Accustomed to act consciously, slowly. To establish contact with representatives of this zodiac sign, you need to know about some of the features of their character.

Taurus are people born between April 21st and May 21st. The main features of their character are strength and practicality. They always keep outward calm, but inside they can have a hot temperament.
Interesting facts about Taurus
- They don't like anything temporary. If Taurus is looking for a friend, then for life. The same can be said for the soul mate. They prefer to buy even small items for a long time. For this, they are ready to spend a large amount of money.
- They love their home. They can spend very little time in it, but they still treat it with awe. They try to do everything possible to be comfortable. The view from the window is not important for Taurus. But the representative of this zodiac sign will definitely pay attention to the large and spacious bathroom.
- They are patient. They are able to wait indefinitely. They act only when the moment comes. At the same time, they can look lazy and clumsy. In fact, Taurus is just waiting.
- They are very jealous. Sometimes there is a feeling that Taurus wants to know even the thoughts of their soul mate. They strive to control their partner always and in everything.
- They have a good memory. Taurus is very calm. But it is better not to bring them to a nervous breakdown. They are capable of rowdy like no other. At the same time, they memorize bad words addressed to them very well. Always find time for revenge. And they know how to wait.
Taurus man facts
A man born from April 21 to May 21 has both negative and positive qualities. He is reliable, patient, generous, loyal. However, it can be very stubborn and selfish.

Some interesting facts about Taurus men.
- He thinks primarily about the future. He works now to live in comfort later. A man rarely dreams. He prefers to live in reality, not fantasies.
- He is restrained. Rarely expresses his opinion. Does not seek to prove something to someone.
- He is consistent. The Taurus man is not afraid to take responsibility for actions or decisions. Can take the blame for the actions of his soul mate.
- It's simple. Does not need attention, acts according to plan, tries to figure out his problems on his own.
- He has his own opinion on everything. It's difficult to convince a Taurus. It is even harder to manipulate a man born between April 21st and May 21st.
Taurus Woman Facts
A woman who was born between April 21st and May 21st is a mystery to everyone. Understanding her character is harder than learning Chinese. It will take years to understand the representative of this zodiac sign.

Some facts about Taurus women.
- She always looks perfect. And for this she does not have to stand for hours in front of the mirror. Able to fascinate men with all her appearance.
- She knows how to manipulate. A woman is able to twist men, making them puppets. Moreover, the representatives of the stronger sex will fulfill her whims with pleasure.
- She is a realist. He does not like to build illusions, dream. He prefers to live here and now. He has a clear outlook on life, always follows his principles.
- She is patient. The Taurus woman has an iron will and colossal patience. To unbalance her, you have to try. But if you criticize a woman too often, she can remember and take revenge.
- She knows what she wants. The Taurus woman has a clear idea of how she wants to live. She knows well what kind of man she needs. Prefers to act independently. A man will interest her if interests coincide. Appearance for a Taurus woman does not play a special role.