When you wink at a person, it means that you make him stand out from the crowd, that you like him in some way. At the same time, you need to smile to let him know that nothing special has happened. And the wink itself must be done very quickly. But how to do it? Need to learn.

Step 1
To learn how to wink, do this simple exercise several times every day. It is better to do this in front of a mirror so that you can adequately assess the result. First, concentrate all your attention on your face. Explore how it changes from different emotions.

Step 2
After that, you need to strain all the muscles of your face. In order to achieve a more correct result, you need to imagine as if you have bitten off a lemon. At the same time, the face can be writhing, you can squint. Because it is in these ways that you can develop facial expressions at the proper level. Plus, this will help you learn to react faster and make winking much easier.
Step 3
Another way to learn how to wink is as follows. Cover one eye with your hand, and try to wink the other. When you have worked out the movements, start training in the other eye. And so on until you can achieve natural movements.

Step 4
You can still practice this way. Place a photo of the object you like in front of you and wink at it diligently. Practice taking a picture, it will be easier for a real person to wink at a meeting.
Step 5
In order for the wink to work, you need your gaze and the gaze of your interlocutor to be at the same level. The main thing is not to "drop" your gaze under his feet. Do not lift your chin, too, so as not to look arrogant. The basic rule of winking is naturalness. It should be light, not tense and very fleeting. Only this look can be called intriguing. And you can check how effective your wink was in five minutes. If you have not made any impression on a person, then this means that either you did not train your winking enough, or it is simply not your person.