Much depends on the atmosphere in the work collective. What influences the working atmosphere itself? The mood with which a person approaches his work and how ready he is to interact with colleagues. And here it is important to take into account not only the different psychological temperaments of employees, but even their zodiac signs. Consider how certain zodiac signs behave at work.

Aries often work for wear and tear, forgetting about everything in the world. They have well-developed thinking and the ability to structure the assigned tasks. With a cheerful disposition and leadership qualities, Aries quickly find a common language with all colleagues. Also, Aries has an increased level of responsibility and justice - they are "truth-tellers", are straightforward in their statements, but they will always come to the rescue and stand up for the weak. However, in relations with superiors, Aries are sometimes intolerant, quick-tempered and uncontrollable, but with the right motivation, they quickly calm down.
Taurus meticulously study all the proposed materials before getting down to business. It is hard for them to swing, but patient Taurus always bring what they have begun to the end, stubbornly following the plan. It is difficult to piss off Taurus, however, if something happened, they cannot return to their usual activities for a long time until they sort out the whole conflict situation in their minds. Ambition and dedication to work often helps Taurus achieve good heights in their careers.
Gemini cannot sit still, they need to be on the move, to know the latest news, they will not start work in the morning until they have discussed everything that happened the night before. Gemini literally catch the necessary information from all sources and know how to use it correctly. Flexible and loyal Gemini are friends with everyone, but at the same time remain true to themselves. The undoubted advantage is the ability of this zodiac sign to get out of all sorts of situations unblemished. No corporate party is complete without Gemini - they love fun and creativity. In general, Gemini are not unforgiving, but in open confrontation they are cunning and clever rivals.
Convenience, comfort, warmth in the team are important to Cancers. Cancers love money and know how to earn it, but often on the way to the heights of a career there is a sense of duty to colleagues: “What if someone is worthier than me?”. To fully unfold, this zodiac sign needs the encouragement and support of leadership. If you want to criticize Cancer, then the criticism must be fair and reasoned, and it is advisable to criticize in private, otherwise Cancers simply will not understand and perceive it as an insult at their own expense. Cancers are completely non-contentious, but vindictive. However, they never enter into an explicit struggle. They will take revenge for the offense caused by someone else's hands.
Lions are a little lazy at work, but luck often accompanies them in any business. Lovers of a non-standard approach, Leos can become discouraged from routine work. It is important for this zodiac sign to feel like an irreplaceable and valuable employee, otherwise he will start looking for another job. In the Leo team, they are bright personalities, they like to be in the center of events, to talk about everything. At first glance, benevolent Leos do not have a sense of responsibility for everyone; when performing team tasks, they are more likely to complete their part of the work and step aside, because they value the motto: "Every man for himself."
Virgos behave with restraint at work. Pedantic in all matters related to professional activity, they value order both in the head and on the desktop. Virgos are always dressed according to the dress code and observe the labor regime. Punctuality and responsibility are the main traits of an employee under the sign of Virgo. When it comes to friendship at work, Virgos tend to choose one or two people they can trust, but this relationship cannot be called friendly. The strict distribution of "family" and "work" does not allow Virgos to let colleagues close to their hearts, the distance of professional relations must be respected.
Libra is chaotic and inconsistent. They can be late for work, come in different socks, laugh out loud at a serious meeting, but no one will ever reproach Libra for being bad workers. Scales have a subtle sense of their work and do everything with pinpoint precision, for which they receive the respect and recognition of colleagues and management. Libras are generally friendly, but their friendships can change quickly depending on their mood. Libra's motto in terms of friendship and work: "As to me, so do I."
Scorpios are successful manipulators, hidden leaders. Even if Scorpio does not occupy a leadership position, he will certainly subdue his colleagues, since he has remarkable spiritual power. Scorpios are difficult to get to perform some absurd tasks that are not related to the main activity. Scorpio is rarely seen at a corporate party in the thick of events - they prefer to stay in the shadows. Scorpions are fighters by nature, with the right motivation, they will be able to defend the honor of the team in any fight with competitors. However, merging with the team for Scorpios is usually superficial, they, like Virgo, do not let anyone into the soul.
How do Sagittarius behave at work? In the team they usually say about them: "the soul of the company." They are burning with work, but they also do not forget about interpersonal relationships: they will pay attention to each colleague, ask if something has happened, and cheer them up. Concentrated and attentive in work, Sagittarius could quickly reach the top in their careers, but they do not need it, they are used to being "closer to the people." Sagittarius leaders are also sensitive to the problems of "mere mortals" and try to devote a lot of time to building the necessary atmosphere of cohesion and friendship.
Capricorns, like Aries, can be straightforward and rude when it comes to business relationships, but they do an excellent job of mentoring when it comes to training new employees. Capricorns do not like long and unnecessary conversations around the same topic, it is important for them to receive clear instructions: what to do and in what time frame. It is better not to distract Capricorns during work, otherwise you can run into an explosive character. In the team, Capricorns keep aloof, they have enough friends in their lives to waste their time on useless chatting with colleagues.
Aquarians work to interact with people. Without communication, they would have long ago pushed things into the back burner. Moreover, conversations do not prevent Aquarius from doing their work professionally. Aquarians cannot work in absolute isolation (in a separate office, for example). They should feel movement, music, rustles in the background and other evidence that work is in full swing, and not standing still. Best of all, Aquarians work in a team, unlike Leo, their principle: "One for all, and all for one."
Pisces, despite the sometimes absent appearance, are completely devoted to work, especially if this work is a favorite. Pisces are perfectionists in their work. Staying in the evening to finish the project or do without lunch - for the sake of work, Pisces can sacrifice everything, because the result must exceed all expectations. In the Pisces collective, attentive listeners are more likely than speakers. The ability to empathize with colleagues and the inability to refuse personal requests is often not good for Pisces, since some dishonest individuals use this to their advantage, forcing Pisces to work instead of themselves, substitute for the night shift, etc. Pisces are non-conflicting as long as the conflict does not affect their loved ones. Then the soft and forgiving Pisces turns into real furies.