How To Regain Strength

How To Regain Strength
How To Regain Strength

Table of contents:


The urban rhythm of life easily exhausts people and takes away their strength and energy - that is why many people sooner or later begin to feel tired, exhausted and devastated. It is not so difficult to return energy to your body - for this you need to reopen the channels through which vital energy fills you and allows you to actively move forward and live with pleasure.

How to regain strength
How to regain strength


Step 1

To manage your energy, explore the main energy zones of your body called chakras. If any of the chakras is blocked or not functioning, through it you lose some of your energy. This is why it is important to balance all chakras with each other.

Step 2

The Muldahar chakra is the lowest in your body - it is responsible for your connection to the earth and for your sense of security. This chakra is located at the base of the spine. If it functions properly, you feel protected, you feel inner strength and readiness to survive, and inside you are filled with confidence in yourself and in the world around you.

Step 3

If you feel a constant feeling of fear, insecurity, it seems to you that something is missing, and these sensations are accompanied by pain in the lower back, you need to achieve balance in the first chakra. To do this, try to feel your contact with the earth and find inner peace.

Step 4

The second chakra is Svadhisthana, and it depends on it whether you feel the joy of life, whether you fully experience emotions and are able to receive pleasure on a sensual level. If you feel constant dissatisfaction, as well as jealousy and dependence on other people, accompanied by diseases of the genital area, you need to learn to enjoy the process, not the result. Letting go of the fear of losing your source of pleasure will give you freedom and emotional joy.

Step 5

Thanks to the third chakra - Manipura - you can become aware of your inner forces and the connection of your body center with the spiritual principle. The ability to develop, make decisions and exercise willpower also depends on the harmonious development of this chakra. This chakra is located in the solar plexus, and if there is an imbalance in it, you cannot concentrate, cannot relax, feel like a victim and constantly feel guilt and helplessness.

Step 6

To return this chakra to its normal state, realize what your true values are and what you need from life. When you understand what your needs are and develop self-confidence, as well as stop doubting your own worth as a person, the imbalance in this chakra will disappear.

Step 7

The fourth chakra is Anahata, and it is responsible for your feeling of oneness with the world, love and compassion. If you lack self-love, discord begins in this chakra, and it manifests itself in weak immunity and lung diseases. Learn to love yourself no matter what.

Step 8

Vishuddha is the fifth chakra, which is responsible for your ability for creativity and self-realization. Your sense of inner freedom depends on it. To harmonize it, you need to feel your own uniqueness and realize that you are individual. Be honest with yourself and others, feel free to express your own opinion. This will allow the energy to freely enter the fifth chakra.

Step 9

Finally, the sixth and seventh chakras are Ajna and Sahasrara. These are the chakras responsible for your spiritual consciousness and a sense of oneness with the world and nature. Try to feel the connection with the cosmos and understand what is the meaning and purpose of your life. Bring in cosmic energy to balance the last chakras.
