Recovering Feng Shui Strength

Recovering Feng Shui Strength
Recovering Feng Shui Strength

Table of contents:


In the teachings of feng shui, there are 2 types of energy - destructive sha and creative qi. Qi energy is useful and life-giving, unhurried and flowing sinuous. Sha, unlike qi, is harmful, its movement is straightforward and rapid. If you are haunted by a feeling of fatigue, and you cannot regain strength, no matter how much rest, it is possible that the movement of the qi and sha flows in the house does not correspond to the rules of feng shui. To fix the situation, you need to remember simple rules.

Recovering Feng Shui Strength
Recovering Feng Shui Strength


Step 1

Plants in the bedroom are good, but there should not be too many of them, especially on the windowsill. If flowers block out sunlight or clutter up the space, the qi energy will not be able to circulate smoothly and correctly in the room. Also, dried flowers and leaves must be constantly cut off from plants, and bouquets should be thrown away at the first signs of wilting.

Step 2

In no case should the apartment as a whole be cluttered, especially the hallway. All blockages in the corners need to be eliminated, and you also need to disassemble things on the mezzanines and in closets in order to get rid of everything old and unnecessary. The less free space in the apartment, the worse the qi energy circulates. Broken or old and unused items attract the energy of the sha, so they must be either thrown away or tidied up for later use.

Step 3

Mirrors not only attract energy, but also transmit it. Everything that is reflected is retained in the mirror surface, so only things that are useful and pleasing to the eye should be placed in front of it. It is strictly forbidden to place mirrors opposite the doors - qi energy will not be able to enter the house. Mirrors in the immediate vicinity of the bed are not recommended - in a dream, there is a release from negative energy and unnecessary thoughts, and mirrors return all this back to the person.

Step 4

There should be no bulky things above the bed that exert spatial pressure on a person, which ultimately negatively affects his health. If you need, for example, a shelf with books in the bedroom, then you can place it in any other place, but not over your head.

Step 5

Cleanliness and order is a guarantee that qi energy will reign in the house, and this will undoubtedly affect both the general well-being and the atmosphere in the house as a whole, filling it with good mood and joy.
