How To Learn Tricks With A Pen

How To Learn Tricks With A Pen
How To Learn Tricks With A Pen

Table of contents:


Whoever has ever been to the circus probably saw the tricks that were shown from the stage. And, naturally, many also wanted to be in the role of a magician. But in order for all the tricks to go off with a bang, you need long hours of training. And it is best to start learning small miracles with the simplest subject - a pen.

How to learn tricks with a pen
How to learn tricks with a pen


Step 1

Choose a handle that is comfortable and thicker. It may be as medium in width as a felt-tip pen, or it may be slightly thinner than a marker. This is necessary for better coordination of movements during training. On a thick handle, training will be much easier and faster.

Step 2

Place the marker caps on the ends of the pen. This will help to establish the correct balance of the object - even, without any rolls and unnecessary movements.

Step 3

Learning should start with the simplest exercises. Such in working with a pen is its rotation between four fingers: index, middle, ring and little fingers.

Step 4

To perform this exercise, hold the handle between your index and middle fingers, first and second phalanges. Relax your index finger and as you bend the handle down, grab it with your ring finger. Hold the handle between the little finger and the ring finger and repeat the exercise, only in the opposite direction.

Step 5

After securing the skill of rotating the pen between the fingers, you can proceed to the next task: tossing over the thumb - the pen is between the thumb and forefinger, it is as if you are writing and with the push of your index finger scroll it around your thumb.

Step 6

Another exercise is to rotate with a push. The handle is located between the middle and ring fingers. The end rests on the thumb. When pushing with the thumb to the side of the handle, it is necessary to bend the middle finger and combine the index and ring fingers with each other.

Step 7

After doing these exercises confidently, you can improve your flexibility and dexterity. And it will already be easy to do all the same exercises, but with an ordinary ballpoint pen.

Step 8

The most important rule to follow when teaching is to develop both hands at once. This is necessary for two reasons: to make the arm more mobile and to pay more attention to the technique of performing the exercises. As soon as you can perform all the exercises without effort, you can proceed to the difficult stage.
