Valery Shapovalov: Biography, Creativity, Career

Valery Shapovalov: Biography, Creativity, Career
Valery Shapovalov: Biography, Creativity, Career

In music he gave preference to such directions as rock and bard-rock. This determined the future of the musician and made him a favorite of those who were imbued with his lyrics and sounds.

Valery Shapovalov: biography, creativity, career
Valery Shapovalov: biography, creativity, career

Valery Evgenievich Shapovalov - Soviet, and later Russian musician and performer of musical works. Born in 1950 on August 14 in Moscow. He mastered the guitar well, which became his main and favorite instrument. In music he gave preference to such directions as rock and bard rock. This determined the future of the musician and made him a favorite of those who were imbued with his lyrics and sounds.

The beginning of the creative path

Valery Evgenievich's career began in 1965. It was then that he created a collective called "Muscovites". The guys started their careers with performances at the "Vremena Goda" establishment. The audience appreciated their work and listened to every song with pleasure.

In the same period, Valery Evgenievich was a guitarist for eminent soloists, including Surzhikov and Lukach. He performed with them in the Mosconcert complex. In the 80s, Shapovalov, together with his musical group "Muscovites", performed at the "Eaglet" complex, where they performed songs in English. Foreign visitors appreciated the creativity of the guys.

In addition, the musician tries himself in writing song compositions. Performs in "Rosconcert" with his own musical compositions as part of the collective - "Flame", and later - "True Friends". In musical works, one can feel genuine sincerity and a desire to create.

From the middle of 1985, Valery Shapovalov began to release song albums. One of the first came out - "Shuttle". One year later, the world will see an album called "Infinity", and then "Eniki-Beniki".

Later creativity

In 1988, Shapovalov created the Lemonade Joe group. Interestingly, the title coincides with the title of the film of the Czechoslovak production, released in 1964.

Valery, having learned about the arrival in the capital from America of Roy Clark, a country music performer, organized their joint concert. The performance was included in a documentary covering the tour of the foreign singer in the USSR. The film was shown on many US television channels.

At the end of the 80s, Valery Evgenievich wrote a piece of music - "Stop, who is coming ?!" In the first months, the work remained the leader of the capital's charts. Since 1986 "Melodiya" has again released plates with Shapovalov's songs. In 1989, "Melody" showed the world a famous disc called "Stop, who is coming ?!"

In 1994, the last century, Valery Evgenievich released a song - "Anthem of the Party of Beer Lovers". Many people liked the performed composition. In 1997, Valery had plans to release a compilation disc with his music. The work was suspended, only after almost 10 years "SOYUZ" released a collection of his works.

In 1999 the disc was released - "You can't go there !!!". In 2007, the world saw a collection of music - "Riding the Snowy Wave". It includes some of the most popular songs, among which were compositions from the film "Volga-Volga".

In the following years, Shapovalov was preparing for the release of a new prefabricated disc. It will include old favorite songs and new hits. Valery Evgenievich continues to delight people with his creativity, which remains as sincere.
