Tina Kandelaki is a popular TV presenter, actress, and public figure. But for her two children, she is primarily a loving, albeit rather strict mother. On her Instagram page, Tina regularly shares new photos of her son and daughter, which invariably arouse the admiration of subscribers.

Brief biography of the star
Tina Kandelaki was born into a military family in 1975. The girl graduated from school in Tbilisi, and then entered the medical institute. Tina studied well, but suddenly realized that medicine is not what she would like to do in life. Even in her first year, she auditioned for a TV presenter competition and decided to completely change her life. It was not easy - for filming it was necessary to know the Georgian language, Tina had to learn it in just three months.
The first experience was not very successful, but gradually the girl got used to television. The bright debutante began to be recognized on the street. Tina dropped out of medicine and applied to the Faculty of Journalism. At the same time, she was pursuing a career in television and radio. Having reached the peaks in Tbilisi, Kandelaki decided to move to Moscow.
Tina managed to conquer the capital quickly. She changed several radio and TV channels, released several original shows. One of the most successful projects was the program "The smartest", which Kandelaki hosted for 5 years. Tina tried her hand at cinema, advertising and even politics, and today she acts as the general producer of the Match TV channel. In her personal piggy bank of achievements there are 2 TEFI statuettes.
Personal life and the birth of children
In the first year of her life in Moscow, Tina met a businessman and artist Andrei Kondrakhin. The novel developed rapidly and a couple of years later ended with a beautiful wedding. The marriage seemed surprisingly harmonious, soon the weather children were born, who received the romantic names Melania and Leonty. However, the tale did not last long: after 11 years of marriage, the couple announced their separation.
After the divorce, Tina had to take full responsibility for the family. By the way, one of the reasons for the collapse of the family could be financial disagreements between the spouses. Left alone, Kandelaki shouldered the entire burden of raising children. She was a rather strict, but very loving mother. The children practically did not see their father.
In 2015, the TV presenter got married for the second time. The chosen one, Vasily Brovko, is 10 years younger than Tina, but the difference in the age of the spouses does not bother. They have a lot in common: a profession, a desire for self-improvement, a desire to build a career.
Melania and Leonty: the adult life of stellar children

Tina admits that she has never been an exemplary housewife and, most likely, the children lacked the constant attention of their mother. Kandelaki was making a successful career, but she strove to devote all her free time to her son and daughter. She brought them up not by notations, but by her own example, demonstrating that a self-confident, collected and purposeful person can achieve everything on his own.
From an early age, the son and daughter learned a simple truth: to achieve success, you need to work hard, not allow yourself to be lax and lazy. Melania and Leonty studied well at school, and devoted their free time to hobbies: sports, music, dancing.

Tina is active in social networks, loves to write about her own plans and achievements, upload beautiful photos. But she hardly shares information about children. It is known that Leonty recently graduated from the cadet corps and plans to enter a military institute. He was determined to follow in the footsteps of his grandfather. Outwardly, the young man is very similar to his father, Andrei Kondrakhin.
Melania is my mother's copy. The spectacular brunette does not like publicity and forbids Tina to upload her photos to the network. However, an exception is made for the most successful pictures, and Kandelaki's subscribers are delighted with each new photo. Melania is studying at Moscow State University and is planning a journalistic career.