Yulia Kovalchuk is a famous Russian TV presenter and singer of our time. She gained all-Russian fame thanks to her career as a soloist in the pop group "Brilliant". Julia performed in it from 2001 to 2008. Since 2013 she has been married to singer Alexei Chumakov.

Daughter of Julia Kovalchuk
One of the main events that happened in the life of Yulia and Alexei is the birth of their joint daughter Amelia. The baby was born on October 12, 2017. This became a truly pleasant and long-awaited event, both for the young couple and for the fans of the singer and singer.
For several years before the birth of the child, Yulia and Andrei complained that they were constantly “prompted” about the need to continue their birth. But, according to the parents, for a long time they chose the most suitable moment so that Yulia could become pregnant and calmly bear the child.
Despite the fact that Amelia was born in October 2017, the singer's fans wondered until the very last: is this true? The fact is that Julia carefully concealed her personal relationship with her husband from the press. And the press until the last day did not know about the fact of pregnancy and due date.
Even those of the fans who knew about pregnancy, and these include, first of all, experienced mothers, and wrote about this in the comments, the singer left without attention. But the "professional" look of many fans allowed to determine not only the fact of pregnancy, but also the sex of the fetus - it turned out to be a girl.
According to the singer herself, it was no coincidence that she hid the fact of her pregnancy from all outsiders. In her opinion, these 9 months should belong only to a happy mother and her loved ones. Therefore, Julia always tried to maintain good health and go on stage until she was able to hide her tummy under the outfit.
Despite the fact that the first-born of Yulia Kovalchuk was born at 34 years old, and this is considered a rather late period, the entire pregnancy proceeded without complications and other problems.
And just before the birth of the child, Julia published her photo with her belly on the covers of magazines. It made no sense to hide the position of the singer.
According to young parents, throughout the entire pregnancy, Julia was full of strength and energy. She found time for work and play, traveled abroad, chatted with fans. At the same time, she did not forget to regularly attend medical examinations, took care of her health and proper nutrition. I even allowed myself some champagne a few months before giving birth.
Shortly before giving birth, Julia visited Spain and spent several weeks there. She was not stopped by the fact that doctors usually do not recommend flying by air after 6 months of pregnancy. According to Yulia, she likes this country, she gets a lot of positive emotions there, she can enjoy clean air and take a break from noisy Moscow, get consultations from highly professional Spanish doctors.

It is worth noting that Kovalchuk and Chumakov have been holding their own house in Spain for a long time and were seriously thinking about giving birth in this country. And only at the last moment they decided to return to Moscow.
The decision to give birth in Moscow was made because of Yulia's husband, Alexei Chumakov. He was starting a new TV season, new filming and he physically could not be near her, could not even visit her. Fortunately, the flight at a later date went smoothly and the singer gave birth safely in one of the Moscow maternity hospitals.
After pregnancy
According to young parents, the birth of a daughter changed their relationship for the better. They began to spend more time together, plan their future joint future, take care of the baby.
Unlike many other stars, they do not want to give up spending time with their daughter for the sake of work, so they revised their work schedules and creative plans. Moreover, they have already reached many heights in their professional careers: they have become famous, popular and loved by their fans.

By the way, during pregnancy, Julia gained only 13 kg and immediately after birth quickly regained shape. Within two or three months, the young mother was showing off her slender figure, posting her photos in swimsuits.
Training helped me to regain my form in the shortest possible time. Julia did not stop them even during pregnancy - she did yoga for pregnant women, swimming and daily walks, lasting at least 1 hour.
Amelia Chumakova
The daughter's name was also hidden from journalists for quite a long time. Only six months after birth, his parents opened it to the media. The daughter was born a copy of her father - dark-haired and brown-eyed. Despite the fact that her mom and dad try to spend a lot of time with her, the main concern of caring for her fell on the shoulders of grandparents.

The full photo of her daughter has not yet appeared on the network pages, but immediately after the birth of her daughter, the singer posted a photo of her little legs on Instagram. Subsequently, the singer has repeatedly posted photos of the baby on social networks, but on all of them Amelia's face is not visible.