Undoubtedly, many who have played Mafia II at least once drove past an expensive and chic clothing atelier. This is the only "shop" in the city, and it is not so cheap to dress there. For example, if a jacket in ordinary stores costs 50 bucks that way, then there it will tighten as much as 100! Fortunately, the game developers allowed us not only not to spend our money, but also to increase it, and even in a good suit!

It is necessary
A closed car (it is best to take cars that quickly accelerate), weapons (you can even without cartridges, but better with them). You must have discretion (you should not raid in front of passing cops), a good reaction (quickly grab your weapon and shoot those squires who are still alive for some reason) and, of course, tremendous audacity to brandish a Thompson submachine gun in the middle of a white day in the center of New York
Step 1
You stop by Harry's and buy up all the ammunition you have. He has a lot to offer, so take your time! You need fast shooting and accurate weapons, so we advise you to take Thompson assault rifles with a 50-round magazine. It should be enough for one raid! Choosing a car: it is better to take the fastest, but by no means a convertible with an open top!

Step 2
We get into the car and, without breaking the rules, slowly drive up to the studio. Then you take a submachine gun or a submachine gun, go to the shop window from the cash register, take not the guard's front sight and, without going into the store, shoot at him. Then you run in, rob and run away. Sometimes it is better to shoot even with a pistol, but keep in mind when you do this - shoot 2 times - to be sure!
Step 3
Or you take a large car like Lassister 69 (my favorite) or Lassister 75 (I like it too), but this is actually not important, the main thing is that there is a closed car (not a convertible). Accelerate and enter the shop window, crush the guard at the same time. Again, rob, get in the car and dump. The advantage of this method before the first is that you do not need to run to the car, which means that the cops who drove up are less likely to shoot you.