The variety of rods on the market today is not easy for a beginner to understand. Meanwhile, if you know that there are only three types of fishing rods, and everything else is their modifications, it will not be difficult to buy a suitable fishing tackle.

There are three main types of rods: float, fly fishing and spinning. All of them have their own structural and attachment features. Athletes use a special tackle that is not suitable for an ordinary fisherman: plug rods.
About float rods
Float rods are the simplest type of fishing tackle. It is easy to make it yourself from available tools. To do this, you will need the following elements: a rod, a fishing line, a float, a sinker, a hook, a leash. When choosing a tackle of this type, you must first of all pay attention to the length of the rod and its structure. It can be made of several prefabricated or retractable parts, as well as be monolithic.
Prefabricated fishing rods are called plug-in, retractable ones - telescopic. Any of them can be equipped with guides that help keep the line in the right position. Floats can have different shapes: pear-shaped, conical, cylindrical. All of them have their own characteristics of behavior when biting. An important characteristic of a float rod is a test, that is, the maximum weight of lures and rigs that it can withstand.
About fly fishing rods
This fishing tackle is used to catch fish that feed on insects that have fallen to the surface of the water. The fly rod does not require a sinker and a float. For successful fishing, it is enough to put an artificial bait in the shape of an insect on the hook.
There are two types of fly rod rigs for casting such a light lure: deaf and running. They differ only in the presence or absence of a coil. It is not required for a blind fly rod. The type of her rod is distinguished by its length (up to 5 m) and flexibility. At the end of the line, which should be much longer than the rod itself, an undergrowth and a hook with bait are attached.
A fly fishing rod with a running type is much more convenient to use. Her rod, as a rule, is 2-3-knee, you need a reel, line, undergrowth, a leash and a hook. The fly is traditionally used as a bait. This type of rod allows casting at a distance of up to 30 m.
About spinning rods
Spinning rods are the most popular rods. Their device differs in many respects from float and fly fishing. For spinning, a reel, fishing line and leash, bait or other artificial bait are required, at the end of which a hook is attached. For ease of coverage, all spinning rods are equipped with a handle 30-70 cm long, made of a material with an anti-slip surface: plastic, cork, wood. In order to make it easier to hold the spinning rod when playing, you need to choose the one that has a buffer at the end of the handle.