Self-chopper for a fishing rod is a device that helps not to miss a bite. The device works automatically, catching fish, and therefore you can be sure that with good bite you will return from fishing with a catch.

Any fishing rod can be equipped with a self-deflector. There are many rods on which a self-trimming device is mounted: donk, zakidushka, float. Some even manage to apply the design for spinning rods.
Production methods
According to this criterion, self-deflectors are divided into:
- Factory. They are made in the form of bottom or float rods. When biting, the device makes an automatic dash and hooks the fish.
- Homemade, where the principle of operation of a conventional mousetrap is used, for example, a stretched spring, a crossbow and others. The design may vary, as well as the materials, but the principle of operation will remain the same. When the bait is swallowed, the fish will remove the tackle from the stopper, the mousetrap will slam shut, and the tensioned spring will contract.
- Advanced tackle where hooks and floats are used instead of self-locking rods. The first ones differ from the usual ones in that they are almost bent into a ring. Predatory fish tend to deeply swallow the bait, and therefore the hook goes deep into its throat. But the prey has no chance of breaking off such a device. The main element of the float is a disc made of a very light material such as foam. The disc lies flat on the surface of the water. A conventional float is extended from above by a thin tube and supplied with a stopper. The bottom, sinking part of the float is under the disc, and the rest is on top. When biting, this part freely passes through the hole in the disc and is braked by a stopper. The fish pulling the bait down is successfully hooked onto the hook.
This method is only suitable for certain types of fish that have a habit of grabbing the bait and carrying it away with it, for example, for carp fishing.
Structurally, self-deflectors are divided into:
- mouse traps;
- with spring;
- with an elastic band;
- with a tourniquet.
This device works on the principle of a mousetrap. As soon as the fish pulls the monofilament, the trigger is instantly triggered and the spring is pulled, cutting the fish. The device is assembled on a small piece of plywood or wood. To prevent the fish from dragging the mechanism into the water, it is installed on a pin.
With spring
This is a more complex device. A spring acts as a lift mechanism. During the bite, the lever is released by the trigger, which acts on the monofilament by pulling and turning it around the lever axis. At the same time, it is possible to adjust the frequency of the undercut oscillations. The disadvantage is the inconvenience of transportation, moreover, the design has sharp corners.
With elastic
In this device, a power elastic band is used as a power element. At the moment of biting, the balance of the structure is disturbed, the elastic band contracts, and the fish is hooked. The advantages of the mechanism are ease of manufacture, reliability and high sensitivity.
With a tourniquet
The principle of operation is the same as that of the previous one, only instead of one power elastic band, a tourniquet of 4-6 aviation rubber bands is used. In this case, the sensitivity of the mechanism increases significantly.
For each type of fish, you should use its own self-chopper. In addition, when choosing a design, you should proceed from your convenience and habit. What device to work with - the choice of each fisherman is different.