How To Learn To Cross Stitch

How To Learn To Cross Stitch
How To Learn To Cross Stitch

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Cross-stitch embroidery has been known since ancient times. It is popular even now. This embroidery was widely used to decorate clothes and household items. Pictures and even huge tapestries are embroidered with a cross.

How to learn to cross stitch
How to learn to cross stitch

It is necessary

  • - cotton fabric
  • - canvas to the size of the fabric
  • - floss threads
  • - a needle with a wide eye
  • - hoop
  • - embroidery scheme


Step 1

Prepare an embroidery pattern. They embroider with a cross without transferring the pattern to the fabric, so perform all the preliminary operations on paper. Measure the canvas square. Draw the picture into squares with a side equal to the length and width of the future cross.

Step 2

Iron the fabric. Cut a piece of canvas that is the same size as the fabric. Baste the canvas to the fabric. Hoop the fabric and canvas, or if there is no canvas, prepare the fabric. Pull one thread through the weft. Count 3-4 threads from it and pull out another one. Thus, at regular intervals, pull the threads along the entire length of the flap. Pull out the warp threads in the same way. You will end up with a piece of fabric marked with squares. Then iron the fabric and hoop it.

Step 3

Thread a floss in 2-3 additions into the needle. Identify a square on the canvas or prepared fabric that you will start to embroider with. Insert the needle into its lower left corner from the wrong side to the front side. Pull out the thread, leaving the ponytail on the wrong side. The tail must be held. From the front side, insert the needle into the upper right corner of the same square. The stitch should be tight, but not tight. Make the next stitch from the lower left corner of the second horizontal square and end it in the upper right corner in the same way.

Step 4

Thus, pass the row with a half-cross to the end or to the transition to another color. Flip the drawing so that the front is again in front of you. Sew the second row with a half-cross from the lower left corner to the upper right corner. Performing each row in two steps allows you to make the seam more even.

Step 5

Once you have learned to embroider with a simple cross, try to master Bulgarian. It is also called double. It is performed in four steps. First, guide the thread from the lower left corner of the square to the upper right, then from the upper left to the lower right. After that, make two more stitches in the same square - from the middle of the left side to the middle of the right side and from the middle of the lower side to the middle of the upper side. This cross looks good if the squares are large enough.
