How To Create A Mugen Character

How To Create A Mugen Character
How To Create A Mugen Character

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M. U. G. E. N is a free 2D graphics engine for creating virtual battles developed by Elecbyte. It allows players to create their own characters through the game's interpreted text and graphics files, as well as sounds. To do this, you need to follow a series of simple steps.

How to create a mugen character
How to create a mugen character


Step 1

Find a site on the Internet with collections of characters for the M. U. G. E. N. engine. Download the archive you like, make sure it contains information about the levels. If you don't want to use other people's characters, you can create your own. Be sure to check the downloaded document for viruses, as these files often contain malicious objects.

Step 2

To do this, download and install Mugen Character Maker. It is quite understandable even for a beginner and contains special tips that will help you at first. Please read the Help file carefully for any hints or application features you need to create a character.

Step 3

Open the folder with the Mugen engine and go to the chars folder. Unzip the file with the character that you downloaded or created yourself into it. As a result, you should have a folder with the name of your player, containing all the necessary files. Make sure not to create a folder within a folder, which is often the case when unzipping documents. Go into it and find a file with the character's name and def extension. Copy its name.

Step 4

Go to the main Mugen directory and find the data folder. Open it and find the select.def file. Click on it with the right mouse button, select "Open with" and select notepad or text editor. Search for the text Insert your characters below. Press Enter after it and write the copied character name on the next line.

Step 5

Save the select.def document and run Winmugen.exe. Select the game mode and find the character you need to create. If it is missing, then check that the saved documents and files are correct. Perhaps you put a period in the file or did not completely unzip the folder with the character.
