How To Draw A Beautiful Rose

How To Draw A Beautiful Rose
How To Draw A Beautiful Rose

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A beautifully drawn rose will decorate a hand-made postcard, delicate watercolor or graphic sketch. It can be depicted in a realistic manner or made a stylized drawing, barely outlining the contours or carefully writing out each vein in the petals. Despite the fact that the rose looks very impressive, drawing it is not difficult at all - it only takes a few lessons.

How to draw a beautiful rose
How to draw a beautiful rose

It is necessary

  • - white paper for drawing;
  • - soft pencil;
  • - eraser;
  • - brushes;
  • - palette;
  • - a set of watercolors.


Step 1

Take a close look at the living rose. Study the location of its petals, their texture, shine and color play. Pay attention to how the shadows fall. Try to remember all the nuances - later you will depict them on paper.

Step 2

Whichever technique you choose, you'll start with a pencil sketch. The simplest outline of a rose is a vertical oval or rounded cone with its wide side facing up. First, draw the outer wide petals. Usually their edges are slightly turned outward - carefully draw this fold.

Step 3

Draw the tightly rolled inner petals. Apply short strokes, touch up unsuccessful lines with an eraser.

Step 4

If you want to draw a lush, fully opened rose, add a couple of horizontally turned wide petals. This will give the flower liveliness and dynamics. Draw a thick, straight stem with a few small leaves, and lightly outline the thorns.

Step 5

To make the rose look voluminous, distribute the shadows correctly. Use a pencil to darken the inside of the flower and shade the cuffs of the petals. Leave their convex parts white, and paint in the intermediate areas with a light gray tone, very lightly shading them with a pencil. Light overflows of light and shadow can be added to the background - this will make the drawing complete.

Step 6

Very delicate roses can be painted with watercolors. First, make a pencil sketch. Moisten the brush well with water and cover the entire leaf with it, without going beyond the contours of the flower. Mix green, black and turquoise paints and gradually paint over the background, adding more water in some places to form blurred spots of a lighter tone. When finished, dry the background.

Step 7

Draw pink paint on the brush, diluted well with water. Apply it to the petals, leaving unpainted areas in some places. Mix red with orange and start darkening individual parts of the flower. Apply shadows to the outer petals and the bottom of the inner ones. Mix the burgundy and pink colors separately and shade some of the petals with them. Do not be embarrassed by the difference in shades - put together, they will create the impression of a living flower iridescent in the sun.