The corner-to-corner technique is a bit like cross stitching. When knitting in this technique, small rectangles of different texture are formed. These rectangles can form a beautiful pattern by knitting rows of yarns of different colors. Blankets, bedspreads, vests are knitted in the "corner to corner" method.

It is necessary
Hook, yarn
Step 1
Cast on an even number of air loops. Half of the loops are used to knit a rectangle, and the other half of the air loops forms an arch. For example, from 6 air loops you get three double crochets and an arch of three air loops (the first double crochet is knitted into the fourth air loop). The air loops also serve as lifting loops.

Step 2
The canvas consists of small rectangles that knit in different directions.

Step 3
The fabric is knitted from one rectangle, which is considered the corner of the fabric.

Step 4
In the second and next rows, the number of rectangles increases. Additional air loops are recruited (their number corresponds to the number of loops for knitting the first rectangle, in example 6 loops).

Step 5
Skip half the stitches and tie the crochet stitches. The principle of knitting a rectangle is the same as for the first rectangle. For example, out of 6 air loops, three double crochets are knitted (the first double crochet is knitted from the fourth loop. 1-3 loops form an arch). The new rectangle needs to be connected to the lower rectangle. Rotate the rectangle so it is upright and connect the hook loop to the first air loop of the lower rectangle arch.

Step 6
The next rectangle is knitted from the arch formed in the first row when knitting a rectangle.

Step 7
The number of rectangles in each row increases by 1. At the beginning of each row, a vertical rectangle is knitted (additional loops are typed, a rectangle is knitted, then it is turned into a vertical position). Rectangles are knitted between the elements of the previous row. The hinges for them are drawn from the arches of the rectangles in the previous row.

Step 8
The center rectangles are connected to the rectangle in the previous row through the first loop of the lower rectangle arch.

Step 9
The canvas of the required width is knitted.

Step 10
The method is called corner-to-corner. The fabric is knitted from one rectangle, knitting of the fabric also ends with knitting of one rectangle. To reduce the number of rectangles, you need to tie the edge of the last rectangle with half-columns.

Step 11
The hook will be above the air loop of the last rectangle. Columns are knitted from the arch, the resulting rectangle is connected to the rectangle in the bottom row.

Step 12
Knit the canvas, gradually reducing the number of rectangles.

Step 13
In each row, the number of rectangles is reduced by 1.

Step 14
Knit until one rectangle (corner) remains.

Step 15
It turns out such a nice pattern.