Roses Made Of Paper

Roses Made Of Paper
Roses Made Of Paper

Table of contents:


Paper roses are a whole art. There are many ways to create these colors. There are easier options for work, and there are also very difficult ones. The result in both cases will be great. Everything will depend on sleight of hand, patience and creativity.

Roses made of paper
Roses made of paper


Step 1

One of the easiest ways to create a rose is to twist it in a spiral. For this, a fairly thick paper is taken, a spiral shape is cut out and a bud is manually formed by twisting. For greater effect, paper in a bright red color is required.


Step 2

A very common material for creating many colors is corrugated paper. Its texture makes the petals look alive. There are a lot of execution options - from simple to complex.


Step 3

Sweet rose is also made on the basis of corrugated paper. The difference is that its bud is formed on the basis of a rounded chocolate candy.


Step 4

The most difficult option for creating such a beautiful flower is origami. The paper should fold neatly and precisely according to the pattern. There are many schemes, and all of them are not so easy to implement. The rose in this case will have slightly sharp corners, but this in no way spoils it, but only gives it some originality.
