How To Transplant Saintpaulia Correctly

How To Transplant Saintpaulia Correctly
How To Transplant Saintpaulia Correctly

The violet is very sensitive to the quality of the soil and the volume of the pot. Only properly planted plants will delight their owners with abundant and vibrant flowering. An incorrect transplant can be fatal.


The violet is transplanted in two cases. The first is after buying a new plant. The second is a young seedling, a starter when the pot becomes too small for him. It is impractical to transplant an adult violet. The root system develops very slowly, has a small size, it does not need an annual transplant into a larger container.

After the purchase, it is worth replanting the plant. Most often, plants are transported in transport soil, it protects the root system from waterlogging, but contains too few nutrients. You shouldn't leave it.

The flower is carefully removed from the pot, the soil is shaken off, and the damaged roots are removed. In a previously prepared pot of the same volume as the previous one, soil is poured 2 or 3 cm, a violet is placed and carefully covered.

It is advisable to use a soil made specifically for Saintpaulias. If this is not possible, you can make the potting mix yourself. To do this, you need to take good leafy humus and mix with sand in a ratio of 1 to 1. Garden soil can be used only if the soil is light, sandy. Heavy, clayey soil is not suitable for growing violets.

Violets over three years old may lose their decorative effect due to the exposed trunk. In this case, the violet is rejuvenated by cutting off and rooting the top. It is impossible to transplant, deepening the plant along the leaves, the flower will rot.

Important! The ground level should be exactly the same in relation to the outlet as in the old pot.

A young plant can be transplanted by transshipment. In this case, the root system is not injured. 5 cm soil is added to the pot, the violet is taken out of the old pot, placed in a new one and covered with soil without deepening. If necessary, add soil after compaction.

After transplanting, the flower must be watered abundantly, trying not to get on the leaves. After transplanting, it is advisable to cover the flower with a bag for two weeks.