Gloxinia - How To Care And Grow

Gloxinia - How To Care And Grow
Gloxinia - How To Care And Grow

Gloxinia is so good during the flowering period that it can decorate the most modest dwelling. The main thing is to know the rules of caring for beautiful bells.


Gloxinia, or in other words, hybrid synningia is a perennial plant with funnel-shaped flowers of different colors.


Her homeland is Central and South America. This flower prefers free light space, but direct sunlight is destructive and dangerous for it. At night, you need to make sure that a little light falls on the plant. If the gloxinia stands in the dark, then the buds will be very small and the flower will not bloom. Like violets, she loves the north side. If you like to ventilate the room, then it is worth keeping gloxinia away from the windowsill, as it is afraid of the draft.

Watering features

The flower needs to be watered, being careful not to wet the leaves. If water gets into the petal, then bacteria will begin to multiply in this place, which will adversely affect the health of this plant. Watering should be carried out daily, but at the same time avoid waterlogging, lack of moisture, in general, you need to know the "golden mean".


In August, you can reduce the watering of indoor gloxinia. The flower is usually watered with settled and filtered water. Its leaves can retain moisture, so they get more drink to themselves.

Feeding Gloxinia

This flower is fertilized during the period of spring growth, and in August it is worth suspending feeding. If you overdo it with fertilizer, you may have problems with growth. Often the flower suffers from a boron deficiency, this is clearly visible in the summer, the edges of the leaves begin to serrate. Fertilizers need to be applied to wet soil, as you can accidentally burn the roots. If you want the plant to be lush and with a lot of flowers, it is recommended to feed it with specialized fertilizers for flowering plants. Such fertilizers contain phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen. Potassium is especially important for her.

Gloxinia needs to be fed once a week.

Transplant and reproduction

Each year, at the end of the rest period, it is recommended to transplant this flower into a larger pot.

From dry air, the leaves of the flower curl, so humidity is important for it, especially in the spring season.


Gloxinia reproduces either by dividing the tubers or by dividing the leaves. Tear off an ordinary leaf from the plant and place it in a glass of water. A month later, roots begin to appear on the petiole, and then a tuber will appear from this petiole.
