What Is The Dream Of Work For?

What Is The Dream Of Work For?
What Is The Dream Of Work For?

From time to time you wake up in the middle of the night because you once again dreamed of how you came to work completely naked, and even forgetting all the documents? Do not worry - you are not alone, many people have similar dreams. Interpreters of dreams and venerable scientists try to interpret dreams about work.

What is the dream of work for?
What is the dream of work for?

How often work is dreamed of

British scientists conducted a study that found that about 80% of women and 60% of men periodically dream about work. Moreover, a significant part of these people do not just experience certain everyday moments in their dreams, such as printing documents or waiting in line to sign papers, but wake up in a cold sweat due to nightmares. The most common themes in dreams about work are being dragged out by the boss, losing important documents, a presentation that needs to be prepared immediately, passion for a colleague, coming to work in an inappropriate manner, and even killing the boss. Moreover, 25% of those surveyed admitted that they suffer from such nightmares every week.

Women not only dream about work more often, they and the nightmares about it haunt them much more intensely than men.

Why work is dreamed of - the opinion of experts

Some experts believe that dreams, in principle, do not carry any useful information. Thus, the brain processes all the information received in it during the day, and sometimes it is able to produce very bizarre images. However, other doctors are of the opinion that dreams speak of emotional or even practical problems that a person has. For example, dreams in which the main character finds himself unprepared for any event are often dreamed of by responsible and reliable employees who try to fulfill their duties perfectly. They cannot afford to be unprepared and incompetent, and the dream once again illustrates their fear, even if they are not aware of it.

Modern science does not consider dreams about work to be prophetic. They can tell about hidden experiences, but not about what awaits a person in the future.

Why dream of work - open the dream book

After reviewing the content of popular dream books, you can glean a lot of information about why people dream about work. Miller's dream book promises you well-deserved success if in a dream you find yourself working hard at your usual workplace. The dream book of Pythagoras claims that such visions indicate that you are afraid of the changes taking place in your personal life, and you are by no means happy with them. Freud believed that work symbolized sexual intercourse. If a person in a dream is haunted by troubles at the workplace, this means that in real life he is worried about the extinction of potency.