Planning is an important aspect of organizing pedagogical work. Any teaching or educational action, regardless of the orientation of the circle, must have a goal. The teacher should also know the time frame in which he intends to give children certain knowledge or skills. All this is reflected in the journal of planning and accounting for the work of the circle, which, among other things, is the main financial document.

It is necessary
- - magazine;
- - the work program of the circle;
- - methodological developments on the topics of the circle.
Step 1
Before you write the actual plan in the journal, write a few more points there. There should be written down the rules of using the journal and its content. The content pages can be added after you have drawn up the outline, but before the director has approved the document.
Step 2
It is useful to draw up a work plan first on a draft, and only then rewrite it in a journal, which is an official document. Define the goals and objectives of your work for the year. This is done on the basis of the circle program. It is possible that training lasts several years, so keep in mind that your children already know how and what they need to be taught. This section includes educational, educational and developmental tasks.
Step 3
The next section of the plan is devoted to organizational work. Tell us about the events you are going to host and indicate their dates. The terms of the formation of the circle, the number and time of the first organizational lesson must be determined without fail. It is more convenient to do this in the form of a table.
Step 4
In the section on educational work, tell us about lectures, meetings, exhibitions, excursions in which you intend to participate with your children. This should include the date, venue and a brief intended content. This can also include work with a social educator or psychologist, if such is expected.
Step 5
The previous points of the plan for the educational work of the circle are similar to those that are filled out by school teachers. But the plan for the institution of additional education should also reflect the interaction with the school and class teachers. In the same section, talk about how you intend to work with your parents. These can be parent-teacher meetings, exhibitions of children's works, open classes, joint excursions, and so on. It is also necessary to tell in the magazine about the methodological work: attending master classes, exhibitions, creative groups, teachers' councils.
Step 6
The curriculum is based on the curriculum for the program you are working on. It is compiled for one academic quarter. The plan for the first quarter must be drawn up before the start of the school year, for the second - 20 days before the end of the first, and so on. Mark the beginning and end of the term on the calendar. Cross out holiday dates. Mark the days your circle is on and count them. Classes can also take place during the holidays, so the calendar plan for a quarter ends on the last day of the next vacation.
Step 7
Write down from the necessary section of the curriculum of the program the topics on which you intend to work. Determine the content of the work for each of them and the number of hours you need to study the material.