How To Make A Daisy From Beads

How To Make A Daisy From Beads
How To Make A Daisy From Beads

Table of contents:


The most common summer flower is chamomile. A bouquet of these white beauties can cheer up and decorate our home. But, unfortunately, this flower cannot please the eye all year round. So that daisies can show off in a vase in winter, they can be made of beads. The result will be very close to the original.

chamomile beads
chamomile beads

It is necessary

  • - thin wire
  • - beads white
  • - green beads
  • - yellow beads
  • - a small piece of plastic bottle


Step 1

Each petal of our chamomile will consist of a trefoil - there is a large petal in the center and two smaller ones on the sides.

We string white beads on the wire. We thread one of the ends of the wire into the very first bead to fix the petal.


Step 2

Now on each free end of the wire we collect several beads more than the first central petal of the petal. After that, we twist the ends of the wire together and the trefoil is ready. You need to make 7 such blanks for one chamomile.


Step 3

Form the middle of the chamomile from yellow beads. It will consist of the same loops (only several times smaller) as the trefoils. There should be a total of 5 loops with 4 or 5 beads each. We twist the structure in such a way that we get a ball. In total, you need to make 3 balls.

When all three blanks are made, we twist them into one common ball, which will be the heart of the chamomile.


Step 4

To make a sepal for chamomile, you need green beads and 9 identical loops.


Step 5

In order for the chamomile to be stable, it is necessary to cut a circle 1 cm in diameter from a transparent plastic bottle and poke holes in it - one in the middle and seven along the edges. Wire will pass through these holes.


Step 6

We pass the wire from the petals into the holes made.


Step 7

We attach the sepal on the back of the flower and do not forget to add the middle of the chamomile.


Step 8

We twist the wire from the sepal with the wire from the middle and the petals, forming a stem.


Step 9

if the stem seemed thin, then you can add more wire, and wrap it with green floss threads on top so that the stem looks like a real one.

You can weave any leaves for the stem, but they should look neat and not bulky. Nara chamomile is ready!


Step 10

We make the required number of flowers for the bouquet. They can be placed in a small vase with a narrow neck or stuck in a small pot of earth.
