Sylvester Stallone's Wife: Photo

Sylvester Stallone's Wife: Photo
Sylvester Stallone's Wife: Photo

Sylvester Stallone found family happiness only on the third attempt. In the successful model Jennifer Flavin, he did not immediately see his soul mate and even broke up with the girl after five years of relationship, and he notified her of the breakup in a not most beautiful way. Fortunately, a year later, the action star changed his mind and did everything to return his beloved. In 1996, Flavin gave the actor a daughter, Sophia, and 9 months later, Sylvester and Jennifer got married. In marriage, they had two more daughters, and this star couple, 20 years later, is considered one of the strongest in Hollywood.

Sylvester Stallone's wife: photo
Sylvester Stallone's wife: photo

Aspiring model and successful actor


In 1988, Stallone first saw Jennifer at a restaurant in West Hollywood. She was a young 19-year-old model, 22 years younger than Sylvester, a mature movie star and action hero. Flavin had to grow up early and go to work, since the girl's father died when she was 11, and her mother raised seven children alone. In 1988, Jennifer took her first steps in the modeling business, signing a contract with the Elite agency. Born and raised in Los Angeles, she loved visiting Hollywood with a friend to have fun.


Stallone, due to his age, has already gone through a lot in relationships with women. Two unsuccessful marriages remained behind him. He first married in 1974 at the age of 28. The photographer Sasha Zak became the chosen one of the novice actor. The couple had two children: son Sage - in 1976 and his younger brother Sergio - in 1978. By the way, the sons of Stallone suffered a rather tragic fate. Sage, who was building a career as an actor and director, passed away in 2012 due to heart problems. The second son, Sergio, was diagnosed with autism at an early age. Since then, he has been constantly in his world, and the famous father can do nothing to help him, except for paying for quality medical care.

In February 1985, Sylvester divorced his first wife. By that time, he had released the super successful film "Rocky" and became a real star, a lot of temptations immediately arose nearby, and the press, of course, enthusiastically relished the adventures of a married actor. Not having time to find freedom, Stallone in December 1985 again went down the aisle. On the set of the action movie Cobra, he met Danish model and actress Brigitte Nielsen. The lovers played a wedding in Beverly Hills, at the house of producer Irwin Winkler. The happiness of the newlyweds did not last long, after 19 months a divorce followed. The couple did not have time to acquire joint children. Later, the actor admitted in an interview that two unsuccessful marriages made him feel humiliated, broken and traumatized.

Break in the mail


Fortunately, during this difficult period in the life of an action star, a sweet and devoted Jennifer appeared. They met for about five years, the new girl often accompanied Sylvester at various events. Although the couple did not live together, Flavin often stayed overnight in the actor's posh house, and then they watched a movie together, cooked dinner, and walked along the beach. She introduced her boyfriend to her family, and Stallone sometimes kept her company at family gatherings.


However, the actor did not seek to part with his bachelor life and even once said in an interview that there are no rules and restrictions for him and Jennifer if they are not together. The girl reacted calmly to this statement. According to her, she did not indulge herself with illusions and did not hope to change an adult 45-year-old man.

According to others, Jennifer tried to be the perfect companion for Sylvester. However, on March 14, 1994, a messenger brought her a letter from her beloved man. On six pages, the actor explained to her in detail that from now on, their paths diverge. The girl was shocked. Until recently, she was going to visit Stallone on the set of the movie "Specialist", but then he suddenly asked her to postpone the trip. Yes, and the way of parting the hero of the militants chose a cowardly and vile, not finding the courage to meet in person or at least a telephone conversation.

Soon, Jennifer learned about the true reasons for the breakup. Instead of her, model Janice Dickinson with her newborn daughter Savannah came to Sylvester on the set of The Specialist. Soon, he was about to publicly recognize the child as his daughter. Such a blatant fact of treason fell on Flavin "like a ton of bricks." After all, she and her boyfriend also often talked about common children, even managed to come up with names for them.


Jennifer spoke about her feelings in a big interview with People magazine two months after the breakup. She cried a lot and was sad, finding only ghostly salvation in communicating with friends and working as a model. Reunification at that time was out of the question.

Playboy fix


Meanwhile, Stallone and Janice Dickinson's relationship had ended by July 1994. A DNA test showed that the actor was not the father of her daughter Savannah. Therefore, with a clear conscience, the Hollywood playboy continued his adventures. He met with the Austrian model Andrea Wieser, showed signs of attention to Cindy Crawford, and with another star of the catwalks - Angie Everhart - even briefly engaged.


But none of the women were able to truly hook the actor. In the summer of 1995, he managed to beg Jennifer's forgiveness. And they tried to start all over again, only now more seriously. In 1996, the couple had a daughter, Sofia. True, the child was diagnosed with a heart defect, and at 2 months the girl underwent surgery. This event rallied the couple even more. Therefore, the wedding of Stallone and Flavin, which took place on May 17, 1997, was a completely natural event.


The marriage registration took place in London's The Dorchester Hotel, and then the newlyweds went to a church ceremony in the chapel of Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, where Winston Churchill was born. Jennifer chose a dress from Armani for the important day, and Sylvester chose blue instead of the traditional black or white suit. The newlyweds spent their first wedding night in Blenheim, and then went on their honeymoon to Ireland.

More than 20 years have passed since then. In 1998, the couple had a second daughter, Sistin, and four years later, another heiress, who was named Scarlet. Today, the actor, famous for his numerous love affairs, diligently maintains the image of an exemplary husband and loving father. He admits that, unlike his signature genre - the action movie, which is saturated with testosterone, Stallone's house has long turned into a real female kingdom, where he is surrounded by his wife, daughters, housekeepers, and dogs. But the actor even likes such a family arrangement. By the example of his wife, he was convinced that women also know how to make the right, wise decisions. He has learned to completely trust Jennifer and for the first time feels completely safe in a marriage.
