Useful And Magical Properties Of Black Cumin

Useful And Magical Properties Of Black Cumin
Useful And Magical Properties Of Black Cumin

Black cumin (nigella sowing) has been used throughout the world for many centuries. It is grown in Asia, India, Saudi Arabia. The plant has an amazing aroma, unique taste, healing and magical properties.

Black cumin
Black cumin

The ancients said that black cumin is a cure for all diseases, with the exception of natural death. Therefore, the plant is so prized in folk medicine. In addition, it is used for performing magical rituals.

Beneficial features

In some countries, black cumin is called Roman coriander, sedan, onion seed or black seed, and is also called the "seed of blessing" or "plant of the Prophet." The scientific name is Nigella Sativa or Chernushka sowing. The plant is used as a spice, added to confectionery and drinks, as well as cosmetics.

Black cumin is sometimes substituted for black pepper. The advantage of this plant is that it does not irritate the stomach. Seeds are often added to bread, used for salting cabbage and cucumbers.

For many centuries, nigella has been used in folk medicine. The leaves and seeds of the plant have many beneficial properties: diuretic, choleretic, laxative, anthelmintic.

The oil is used in the treatment of diseases of the stomach, liver, intestines, heart, lungs, kidneys. It restores strength, increases the body's resistance to various viruses.

Perfect for relieving headaches and toothaches, eliminating nausea. For severe coughs, bronchitis or asthma, it is also recommended to use black seed oil.

Nigella is often used in homeopathy to treat diseases of the digestive tract.

Black cumin
Black cumin

There are many references to black cumin in the medical literature. His research began in the late 1950s. Hundreds of articles have been published mentioning its beneficial properties.

In the late 1980s, an article was published in a medical journal in Pakistan about the amazing properties of the oil. Several years later, research was carried out at the University of Bangladesh. The oil was compared to traditional antibiotics. As a result, it turned out that black cumin is superior in effectiveness to many well-known drugs. It can even fight such a serious disease as cholera.

It should not be forgotten that before using black cumin oil, seeds or leaves, you need to take care to exclude possible side effects and consult a specialist.

Magical properties

Black cumin is used for various rituals associated with love magic. It helps to restore relationships, avoid family conflicts, is a kind of amulet.

With the help of nigella, you can protect your home from unwanted guests, theft or loss of things. If you lubricate the door frames with plant oil, then peace and tranquility will reign in the house. This ritual should be performed at dawn.

If you carry a small bag of plant seeds with you or put it next to your bed, you can protect yourself from dark forces and the evil eye, attract luck and money, get rid of insomnia and restore health.
