How To Make Three-dimensional Drawings On Asphalt

How To Make Three-dimensional Drawings On Asphalt
How To Make Three-dimensional Drawings On Asphalt

Three-dimensional drawings on the asphalt represent a special and very interesting trend in street art. It is based on tricks with perspective, on optical illusion.

How to make three-dimensional drawings on asphalt
How to make three-dimensional drawings on asphalt

If we turn to history, the first graphic image on asphalt appeared in Italy in the 14th century. At that time, self-taught artists migrated from one city to another, entertaining people by depicting various religious subjects on medieval squares. Modern 3D images are done a little differently.

Now the technique of making images, three-dimensional and at the same time flat, created on the basis of distortion and perspective, is quite widely used for advertising purposes, and not only. This picture - anamorphosis - can only be seen if viewed from a certain point. When viewed from such a point, the picture, deliberately distorted, is able to take on the correct form.

The science of drawing 3D is not easy to master, but still possible. It is possible to draw volumetric pictures on any surface without exaggeration, it is only important to learn the specifics of a certain material. Drawings on the asphalt, of course, produce the greater effect, the better the place is chosen for them. Skillfully executed three-dimensional images can greatly amaze with their reality and originality.

What rules must be followed when creating volumetric drawings

Before you create a beautiful three-dimensional drawing, you need to think through all the stages of work to the smallest detail. There should be a clear plan for how exactly the objects will be positioned, but it should not be forgotten that for drawing images in 3D format, the exact location of objects will be quite important criterion.

With the help of a sketch, you can see the shape of objects - just like a simple map, it will be used in order to determine the required location. You also need to determine in which direction the light source is located, for example the sun.

Shadows in areas of medium shading should be painted with great care. At the slightest mistake, it is quite difficult to lighten them. It is necessary to have a good understanding of what the shadow is. It creates, so to speak, an overview of the volume.

We must try to do the so-called layered work. It is better to start with light sketches, then darken everything to the required level.

When the shadow is being created, you should try to make the outlines not very clearly - this way you can get a more real image.

To get a spectacular 3D image, you should focus on the position, point of view from which viewers will look at the picture. A correctly made choice of position makes it possible to create a drawing in the desired format, that is, three-dimensional.
