How To Make Sand And Salt Drawings

How To Make Sand And Salt Drawings
How To Make Sand And Salt Drawings

Drawing with bulk materials is not only an exciting hobby that can be done with children, but also a useful activity that develops creativity and fine motor skills. With pleasant music, telling a story or a fairy tale, you can create sand or salt pictures that illustrate the narrative.

How to make sand and salt drawings
How to make sand and salt drawings

Painting with sand and salt on glass

Effective designs are obtained by painting on a glass surface. As a base, you can use the glass shelf from the sideboard, placing it on the table. Or you can independently improve the creative process by making a box with lighting and plexiglass.

Build a box from a piece of plywood and planks. Make the height of the sides at least 10 cm, and the size of the box at your discretion. Install wooden partitions across the entire width on one or both sides inside the box. You should have narrow containers on the sides of the box that can be filled with sand, salt, and other decorative materials for painting.

Cut a rectangular hole in the center of the wide part of the box so that the plexiglass can be tightly fixed on top of it. Make the legs for your tablet using bars. Calculate their height taking into account that a backlight will be placed under the glass, for example, an LED flashlight or a small lamp.

The backlit painting glass must be matte. Cover it on the back with suitable self-adhesive tape. You can also paint the surface with white paint or carefully stick a wide transparent tape.

Glue a piece of plexiglass according to the dimensions of the wide part of the box in place with a transparent silicone sealant. Then walk around the edges with electrical tape or screw with self-tapping screws, after making holes with a drill.

Prepare the sand before working with children. For painting, clean, fine sand, which can be purchased at a hardware store, is best. It must be sieved, and then, sprinkled in an even layer on a baking sheet, baked in the oven for an hour.

Put sand or salt in one compartment of the box, in the second small pebbles, smooth glass, beads. Place a batch of bulk material on the glass illuminated from below and start drawing with your fingers. Make fine details with a paintbrush or wooden skewer. Add one or another material to create the desired pattern.

Have a camera close at hand so that you can capture the best pictures you get.

Drawing with colored sand and salt on paper

Drawings created in this way can be placed in a frame under glass and decorate the children's room. Prepare thick paper or cardboard, which will be the basis for bulk materials. Draw a simple picture by breaking it into fragments with a pencil. The child must understand where and what color he will have to use in order to get the desired drawing.

Paint the building sand in different colors. To do this, pour it into several plastic cups. Fill with water so that it completely covers the material. Add food coloring and some vinegar, stir with a spoon and let sit for half an hour. Then drain the water and place the wet sand on a folded paper towel to dry.

You will need colored crayons to color the salt the desired color. Sprinkle some salt on a white sheet. Roll with chalk on its surface. Transfer the resulting colored material to a glass. Do the same with other crayons and salt.

You can use colored bath salts to paint.

Spread with a brush with PVA glue the area in the picture that needs to be covered with one color. Sprinkle these areas with sand or salt. Shake off any residue after a few minutes. Then gradually glue the rest of the areas.
