Every child knows who smeshariki are. The animated series about round animals has become very popular, new characters are gradually being introduced into it. For example, the panda Stepanida is a new hero from the children's animated series. Try to draw her! After all, everything is very simple.

Step 1
First draw a circle - the body of our panda. Draw two construction lines.

Step 2
Draw the eyes, mouth, nose. Draw a line around the eyes as shown. Draw lines at the bottom of the body, paint over them. Draw on Stepanida's legs.

Step 3
Erase two straight lines with an eraser. Color the ears and legs of the smesharik with black.

Step 4
Stepanida is almost ready, make the eyes blue. Liven up her smile with red. That's it - it's so easy to draw Stepanida Smesharik in stages!