How To Attract Success And Money In Feng Shui

How To Attract Success And Money In Feng Shui
How To Attract Success And Money In Feng Shui

To attract luck and wealth into life with the help of ancient Chinese philosophy, you do not need to turn your apartment into a souvenir shop. One statuette, installed according to all the rules of Feng Shui, will do more good than a dozen talismans hung in the corners.

How to attract success and money in Feng Shui
How to attract success and money in Feng Shui

Organization of space

First of all, you need to get rid of old, unnecessary things and broken mechanisms. Water dripping from the tap, and leaking pipes drop by drop take good luck and prosperity out of the house. New property simply does not have enough space, so it is in no hurry to appear in your life. Better empty, clean shelves than rubbish lying as a dead weight and blocking the money channel.

The sector for well-being and success is located in the southeast part of the house. Try to clear and illuminate this part of the space as much as possible. Placement of a workplace there would be a good choice. Indoor plants with round leaves are also best placed in this part of the house, while cacti and other flowers with thorns should be moved to the kitchen.

Symbols and talismans attracting luck and money

Water is a conductor of positive energy. If it is not possible to install an indoor fountain, hang a picture of a waterfall or stream on the wall. A figurine or image of a water mill is also considered a magnet for wealth.

A round-shaped indoor aquarium is considered a powerful attribute that enhances cash flows. Feng Shui recommends placing 9 goldfish in it: 8 red and 1 black. However, you can get by with just one pet - the aovana. The dragon fish symbolizes large profits in feng shui.

You can activate the attraction of money and luck with the help of figures of "heavenly animals": a phoenix, a dragon or a turtle. The latter must be placed in the northern part of the house to lure good luck and influential patrons in business. It is advisable to install figurines made of natural materials - stone or wood.

Perhaps the most famous talisman for obtaining wealth is a three-legged frog sitting on a mountain of coins. You need to place such a figure to the left of the front door, facing the house. A coin is put in the toad's mouth, and when it falls out spontaneously, this means a quick income. Periodically, the figurine should be immersed in water to give it strength for further work. If you notice a downturn in money matters - just bathe your toads.

Protecting positive energies

It is not enough just to attract the energy of good luck; you also need to keep it in your home and protect it from negative influences. A transparent crystal is used to neutralize negative energy. The amulet should be hung on a red ribbon in the northern sector of the house, preferably in a place where the rays of the sun will illuminate it. Periodically, the crystal must be cleaned of the negative with water. The amulet can be taken with you on trips.
