Nikolai Fomenko loves his creative work and beautiful women. There were always interesting, bright and talented ladies next to him. In total, the artist was married four times.

Nikolai Fomenko, a talented actor, musician and TV presenter, has always been popular with ladies. During his life, the artist entered into official marriages four times. Today the man is happy with his wife Natalia and brings up a common son with her.
Unknown wives
Nikolai Fomenko never refused to answer journalists' questions about his personal life. He even periodically publicly shared numerous details of his love affairs. But the actor prefers not to tell anyone about the first two spouses. It is known that he still communicates with women, as he has children in common with them.
The first choice of the showman was the beautiful Lena Lebedeva. Nikolai fell in love with the daughter of famous artists during his studies at the institute. By the way, it was the eminent father-in-law, Rem Lebedev, who largely influenced Fomenko's career and future life. Soon after his marriage, Nikolai began to act in films himself. His father-in-law also helped him to promote his own rock group "Secret" and become famous with her in wide circles, and also gave him a brand new expensive car and allowed him to forget about material problems for a long time.

The couple lived together for five years, during which their daughter Catherine was born. Today, the heiress of Fomenko is already an adult independent woman. She managed to give the star couple two beautiful granddaughters. Nikolai continues to regularly communicate with his daughter and her entire family.
In 85, Fomenko filed for divorce from Elena. He himself notes that the reason for the separation was numerous family problems and the unwillingness of the wife to develop. But the artist's friends admit that even then Nikolai was carried away by the new darling. She was Lyudmila Goncharuk. These rumors are confirmed by the artist's early second marriage after the divorce.
Lyudmila turned out to be the complete opposite of the quiet and homely Elena. Active, "punchy" and loud-voiced, she sang in the army dance ensemble and herself was the first to take a step towards the man she liked. Nikolai appreciated such a mood of a pretty young lady and did not hesitate for a long time with the proposal of a hand and heart. Already in the same 1985, the lovers got married. It is interesting that the artist was familiar with Lyudmila since the days of his service in the army. It's just that before their roads crossed very rarely and young people practically did not communicate.

Nikolay and Lyudmila Goncharuk lived together for 10 long years. All the years, the woman tried to become an ideal wife for him and even learned how to perform all the household chores she did not like so much. But this did not help the couple to save the marriage. After 10 years, the divorce took place. In 95, Fomenko himself applied for it again. Even then, in an interview, he admitted that the passion had faded away, the feelings had cooled down, and, therefore, he and his wife needed to go further on different roads.
13 years in third marriage
The next important woman in Nikolai's life was Masha Golubkina. A colleague conquered Fomenko literally at first sight. The beautiful, talented Maria at first did not pay attention to the active boyfriend, but quickly succumbed to his charms. The wedding took place again in the same year as Fomenko's last divorce. As you can see, the artist was never alone for a long time.
Three years after a magnificent and beautiful wedding, the couple had a daughter, Anastasia. Four years later, the long-awaited son of Nikolai, Ivan, was born.
It is interesting that it was Maria that the artist dreamed of planting within the four walls of his apartment and making him a housewife. He did not like the popularity of his wife, who had time to do everything: to look after the common house, and raise children, and be a successful actress, and even attend social events. The last straw for Fomenko was the words addressed to him: "Oh, this is Masha Golubkina's husband." In 2008, Nikolai broke down and filed for divorce. Today he does not hide that the main reason for the separation was precisely the professional success of his wife.
The artist still communicates with children from his third marriage. Maria herself continues to devote herself to work and has not yet married a second time.
Current spouse
After a divorce from Golubkina, the actor very quickly met a new love. His fourth chosen one was the serious and purposeful Natalya Kutobaeva. Today, the woman works as the head of the press service of the Federation Council and also devotes a lot of time to her career. This time, the constant employment and success of his wife no longer scares Fomenko. He is proud of the success of his wife and often states in interviews that he is very happy next to her.

Natalya immediately after meeting said that she definitely did not agree to the role of a housewife and would actively build a career. Housekeeping assistants create coziness in the house for her. Nikolai agreed to such conditions and asked only for a common child. In 2009, the couple had a son, Vasily.
Close spouses note that today real harmony reigns in their relationship. Everyone is doing what they love, and in the evening the family gathers at a common table to share emotions and plans. A couple of years ago, Nikolai and Natalya even thought about a second joint child, but so far they have postponed such plans for the sake of a career.