Each precious and semi-precious stone has a certain energy. If you make a talisman from a stone suitable for your sign, you can get protection from negative events and help in achieving goals. It remains only to determine which stone is suitable for Libra women.

In order to accurately determine the stones suitable for women born under the sign of Libra, it is worthwhile to familiarize yourself in detail with the features of their character, habits, and learn more about their worldview.
Libra characteristics
Libra is a sign that makes you constantly seek balance and harmony in the world around you. It is not easy for its representatives to make decisions - this leads to a reluctance to take any responsibility upon themselves. But nevertheless, you can always entrust Libra with a simple matter - they will certainly treat the assignment with all conscientiousness.
People born under the sign of Libra like to receive new information and accumulate it in order to use the knowledge gained later for personal purposes.
The benefits of different minerals
What stones are most suitable for women of this sign?
- Emerald - suitable for those born in September, helps to improve health and preserve youth.
- Pomegranate - when wearing a bracelet or beads, you should select jewelry from elements of the same size.
- Lapis lazuli will add persistence, help strengthen love and friendship.
- Turquoise will protect you on long journeys that involve finances. A lady wearing a talisman with such a stone will never be left without money.
- Agate, aquamarine - for a good mood and fruitful work.
- Diamond adds firmness to decisions and helps to negotiate if necessary.
- Coral, amethyst improve intuition, improve thinking ability.
- Malachite helps to find spiritual harmony and develop memory, influences spiritual beauty.
- Tourmaline helps deal with feelings, which is beneficial for hot-tempered or emotional natures. Helps to achieve what you want.
- Beryl - helps to strengthen friendships.
What Libra shouldn't choose
Some minerals bring Libra a lot of benefits, help soften character, strengthen self-confidence. But there are some among them that have the exact opposite effect.
Libra representatives are not recommended to wear bright red stones. Onyx, serpentine are not suitable for them. Minerals such as rhodolite, sardonyx, carnelian can seriously harm.