Everything For The Aquarium: How To Get Started

Everything For The Aquarium: How To Get Started
Everything For The Aquarium: How To Get Started

Before deciding on such a purchase as an aquarium with fish, you need to know how to properly set it up at home. After all, special conditions are needed to keep fish, and a harmonious decoration will delight not only the owner, but also the guests.

How to equip an aquarium?
How to equip an aquarium?

How to start an aquarium?

First you need to choose the right aquarium. In pet stores, you can see this item in different shapes, sizes, and also made in different designs.

You must first select the most suitable place for the aquarium. It should be located in the quietest area, and away from the sun's rays, since excessive lighting can negatively affect deep sea life. The sun's rays also promote the rapid growth and overgrowth of algae, which will simply fill the entire aquarium in a short period of time.

If the aquarium is very large, it is advisable to purchase it together with a special cabinet in which you can place various aquarium accessories and fish food. Often, a background is also sold along with the aquarium, which adds an even more attractive appearance to the tank. The background should be glued before the aquarium is decorated and the water is poured. You should fix the picture on the back wall with glycerin, it is spread on the glass surface with a very thin layer.

The capacity of the aquarium should be installed in such a way that the gap between it and the wall is large enough, since later you will have to carry out filter pipes and wires for decorative lighting.

Filling the aquarium and laying the soil

Only the soil that has been specially treated should be purchased for the aquarium. This product and other decorative stones can be purchased at any pet store. However, after purchase, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the soil, then boil. Do the same with empty shells and decorative stones.

It is advisable to lay out the soil on the bottom of the aquarium somewhat unevenly so that it looks natural. Its smallest layer should be in the foreground, and at the back wall - large enough. With this design, the visibility is much better, and it also makes cleaning the aquarium much easier.

If you plan to plant natural sea plants, then the soil must be poured onto the bottom in a thick layer. Water can be used directly from the tap, it must be at a certain temperature. It is recommended to fill the aquarium with water slowly so that the soil does not erode, but remains at the same level.

To prevent the appearance of turbidity from the soil, you can place a plate in the center of the aquarium and pour water directly onto it. You need to pour water almost to the very top, leaving a couple of centimeters from the edges. All decorations and plants must be added to the aquarium before it is filled with water.

To remove heavy elements and chlorine, an air conditioner must be installed. Once the aquarium is filled with all the necessary equipment and decorations, you will need to check the filter, heaters and lights.

The water temperature in the aquarium should not exceed 25 ° C. You can check it with a thermometer, but only after warming up the water. So the aquarium should stand for several days, only then it will be possible to start the fish themselves.
