If you think that dog sledding is only possible somewhere beyond the Arctic Circle, you are wrong. An exotic journey on sled dogs can be made near St. Petersburg and Moscow, in the Novosibirsk and Irkutsk regions.

This type of recreation is becoming popular. Today there are camp sites where sled dogs are specially bred. Those who wish are offered not only to ride, but also to master management skills, teach to harness dogs. During the event, you will definitely be introduced to the animals. The Siberian Husky dog is very friendly and not aggressive at all. In general, you can ride dogs of the Alaskan Malamute, Laika, Siberian Husky, Chukotka Sledovaya breeds. Several dogs of the same breed - from two to four - are harnessed to the cart. The average speed of the team is 50 km / h, and one animal is capable of pulling a load of 20 kg. Book a team for a few hours or days, ride alone or invite friends. Groups of 16 to 25 people can participate in the races. You can ride both in winter and in summer. Summer routes are prepared rather for the dogs to get out of shape. This tour is called "Dog Trekking" - a person is paired with a strapped dog. The hike will be comfortable if complete understanding is established with the dog. To find out where you can ride in St. Petersburg, go here: https://www.westernhorse.ru/olden/dogs.php Various tours in the Irkutsk region are collected here: https://www.extreme-mania.ru/direction/ husky / The proposal for the Novosibirsk region can be found here: https://www.gnovosibirsk.ru/959-katanie-na-sobachix-upryazhkax/, and for the Moscow region here: https://www.p-ng.ru/art- dogsled-racing.html. This type of entertainment is very well developed in Karelia. The local service allows for multi-day dog sledding trips. Several dozen dogs of different breeds are kept here. You can take a walk every day, returning to your hotel room in the evening, or travel for several days with an overnight stay in villages, ordinary Karelian houses. The total mileage of such a trip ranges from 20 to 40 km. Of course, choosing the type of rest, everyone acts on the basis of their own desires and ideas. In any case, try first to find out what awaits you in this or that place. Especially if we mean winter rest.