Fishing Secrets: Offset Hooks

Fishing Secrets: Offset Hooks
Fishing Secrets: Offset Hooks

The offset hook has a bend in the fore-end near the lug. The Z-shaped bend allows you to set the bait in such a way that the hook point is parallel to the bait and does not cling to aquatic vegetation, as well as driftwood at the bottom of the reservoir.

Offset hook
Offset hook

Offset hooks (English offset hooks) - a type of single fishing hooks with a bend in the forearm near the lug. The classic offset hook has a Z-shaped bend and is used to attach soft artificial baits (vibrotails, twisters, flies, etc.). Fans of spinning fishing most often use silicone baits.

The baits are set in such a way that the sting of the hook during fishing does not cling to algae, water lily stems and underwater driftwood. Therefore, if the tackle is mounted incorrectly, then the so-called "non-hook" will not work out of it. However, the main purpose of the offset maker is precisely that he should not cling to the driftwood.

How to properly attach the bait to the offset hook to avoid snagging the tackle?

Soft silicone lures are attached to the hook in such a way that the tip is pressed against the silicone and is parallel to the bait. This design allows you to avoid snags in overgrown areas of water, and fishing with an offset hook will bring you good trophies.

For example, a silicone worm is inserted in the following way: the edge of the worm (top or bottom) is pierced with a sting obliquely, then the worm is shifted to the forearm and slipped onto the Z-shaped bend. The second end of the worm is put on so that the sting of the hook does not stick out to the side and is parallel to the worm. The peculiarity of such a tackle is that when the fish grabs the bait, the sting will move. The fish, grabbing the bait, squeezes out the sting from the soft silicone.

For each bait, hooks of the appropriate size should be selected, focusing on the length, thickness and material of the bait. Only then will you be able to construct a "non-hook". The bait should not be too small, otherwise it will be pulled over the blanket and lose its elasticity. If the bait is much larger than the hook, then it will be less fixed in the desired position.

Features of the use of offset workers

This type of hook is very popular among spinners and predatory fish fans. Offsetters in combination with voluminous silicone lures can be used for pike fishing in shallow water and in snags.

Many anglers practice using offset hooks when fishing for perch. In this case, silicone worms and small thin hooks (sizes: # 2, # 3 and # 4) are usually used. When biting, a perch easily pushes through the plastic with its jaw, so it is successfully caught even without a sweep.
