Your old wish has come true: you bought yourself a camera. The sheer number of buttons and settings can be confusing at first, but if you spend a little of your time with a new hobby, you can become a true photography pro.

Many people believe that instructions for technical devices are written for those who do not understand anything at all in this area. If a person, for example, knows at least something about televisions or refrigerators, then he does not need instructions. Far from it! Such a judgment can put an end to the entire process of photographing. To purchase an expensive professional or semi-professional camera and use the shutter button exclusively is, at the very least, impractical. Therefore, if you seriously decided to take a photo, "get acquainted" with your device by reading the instructions. Of course, you will not be able to use all the functions at once, but their gradual mastering will lead to high results.
Photography is an art, and every self-respecting photographer is looking for the “right” shot. To get closer to the goal, you need not just photograph everything, but do it intelligently, based on some theory. Read special literature, refer to painting, psychology, philosophy. All this knowledge will help you create more interesting and professional pictures.
Each truly special photograph carries with it something inexplicable and attractive, something that makes you stop your eyes on it. If you want to create just such pictures, then start by copying the great masters. Try to figure out what exactly attracts you, why the photo was taken this way. Trying to repeat the masterpieces of famous photographers, develop your own style, something that will distinguish you from everyone else.
Feel free to experiment. A fresh look at old things is the foundation for successful photography. Look for something new all the time. Always carry a notebook and pen with you. Interesting thoughts can come to your mind in the most unexpected moments. Write them down and implement them when the opportunity arises.