Many young girls, and women of a more mature age, dream of love and are ready to pay a considerable price for the fulfillment of this dream. If the desired man does not pay attention, or worse, is in love with another, some of the fair sex do not hesitate to use any means to achieve the desired result and become the object of love of the chosen person. One of these means is a love spell, but resorting to it, many women do not even understand its essence and mechanism of action.

You must first of all be aware that any love spell is violence against a person. There are no so-called "white love spells" that do not harm, but only help a loved one appreciate you, open his eyes to the fact that you are his half. There is no need to deceive yourself. The mechanism of such a ritual is based on the external influence on some of the human chakras, on the manipulation of the subconscious and the exchange of energy with the outside world. Such an impact never passes without a trace both for the bewitched and for the customer of the love spell.
So, in a normal state, three chakras are responsible for love and affection in a person: head, heart and sex. Stable and well-coordinated work of all these areas ensures an uninterrupted exchange of energies with the outside world and other people in order to find a suitable partner. If a strong and harmonious connection of these centers with the centers of another person is established, then love appears.
A love spell is an effect on one or more of these chakras in order to suppress their work and make an artificial bond with the one who ordered the ritual. Keep in mind that true love for a magician, no matter how powerful he may have, will still fail. Impact on the sex chakra can cause a strong sexual desire, arousal, but at the same time, the bewitched may well feel dislike and even hatred towards the object.
The impact on the head chakra makes a man constantly think about the customer of the love spell, remember her voice, face, smell, she begins to constantly dream of him, which sometimes causes an obsessive state. A man would like a woman. He becomes always dissatisfied, irritable, sometimes gets drunk and may even start beating her.
By influencing the heart chakra, the magician tries to influence the feelings of a person, evoking tenderness and even love in him. It is especially difficult to make such a love spell, but even with the most successful performance, this cannot be compared with a real feeling. Subconsciously, a man will still remember his true love and suffer because of it.
Try as much as possible to do without extreme measures, because a love spell, disrupting the normal exchange of energies, has a bad effect on the health of both partners and their interaction with other people. It may well turn out that by bewitching a successful and handsome man to yourself, in a few years you will get a sick loser who, moreover, will quietly hate you. You are worthy of true love and sooner or later you will meet someone who will love you without any conditions and tricks.