Hike, bonfire, barbecue, romance. It is unlikely that there is at least one person who has never been to the fire in his entire life. After all, fire is one of the most important elements, and not being able to handle it is fraught with enormous consequences. Sometimes inept ignition can lead to disastrous results.

Step 1
In different situations, a fire can be kindled in completely different ways. But for the most part, the principle of ignition is similar: something flammable is put in the very core of the planned fire source. When the fire is on, thicker logs are tossed up. This, in principle, is the basic scheme of action.
Step 2
However, there are a few different variations. Lighter fluid can often be seen in stores. In fact, the same gasoline or kerosene. It is used mainly in cases when you want to cook a shish kebab or other cold smoked dish over an open fire. This liquid aims to ignite pre-purchased charcoal. This saves preparation time.
Step 3
For lighting large stoves like those found in baths and saunas, the standard method is the best fit. But there is one drawback - if the tree quickly smolders and burns out, then you have to throw up the firewood again. This reduces their supply accordingly. To save firewood, you can use coal. But it should be borne in mind that coal should be laid only after the tree burns out and its remnants smolder brightly. Coal is able to maintain a high temperature longer, and its consumption is several times less.
Step 4
When it comes to a fireplace, then it is necessary to have long fireplace matches. They are designed so that suddenly flashing combustible material does not cause serious injury to the igniter.
There are many ways to make a fire. The main thing is to know how to extinguish it.