Millions of people play various types of lottery, but only a few manage to get a truly significant win. In order to increase your chances of winning at Gosloto, you can use several methods.

The "Gosloto" lottery exists in two versions - "Gosloto 6 out of 49" and "Gosloto 5 out of 36". The maximum winnings can be tens of millions of rubles. However, it is very difficult to actually win a large amount, since the chances of this are very small. They can be calculated: for the lottery "6 out of 49" there are 8,145,060 winning combinations, for "5 out of 36" - 376,992 combinations. This means that the probability of guessing 6 numbers out of 49 is 1/8145060, and 5 out of 36 is 1/376992.
How to increase the likelihood of success? One of the easiest ways is to increase the number of tickets filled. Realizing that it is unrealistic to fill in all the options, players use a variety of systems, usually based on the theory of probability. For example, one of the ways is to analyze the numbers of the previous draws. The more print runs viewed, the better. Based on the results of the viewing, a table is drawn up, which indicates the number of hits for each number.
Further, two options are possible. In the first case, the numbers with the smallest number of hits are selected and winning combinations are made from them. The logic of this scheme is clear - the smaller the number dropped out, the more the probability of its appearance increases with each print run. In the second version of the game, the reverse logic is used: if some numbers appear more often than others, they should be used. It is clear that over a sufficiently long period, the number of drops for all numbers is equalized. But on a short interval, some numbers can appear over and over again, so their use seems to be quite reasonable. This very variant, for example, is used by many professional roulette players - noticing that a certain number has fallen out on a short interval (for example, 10 spins) two or three times, they begin to bet on it. And, contrary to all the laws of the theory of probability, they very often win.
In addition to purely mathematical methods of playing, there is another large group of methods that can be called magical. They proceed from the fact that luck is fickle and finicky - she loves some, and bypasses others. At one time it comes, at another time it leaves. Based on this, the proponents of the magical approach act in two directions: first, they try to attract fortune in one way or another. Secondly, they keep track of their own rhythms of luck and play only during those periods when they are really lucky.
To attract good luck, various magical methods are used, ranging from performing special rituals - for example, entering the cash flow, and ending with wearing various magical items. Despite some extravagance of such methods, they are really capable of bringing good luck. In the second option, one's own rhythms are analyzed, a schedule of luck is drawn up. You should play when the level of luck approaches the top. In a downturn, you should stop playing and wait for a new peak. Usually the period between peaks is about two weeks, although this figure is individual.
Astrology is a good help for those wishing to win the lottery. Despite the negative attitude of official science towards it, astrology is really able to tell a person the periods of time when the probability of winning is especially high. And vice versa, when the transit horoscope promises only losses, it is not worth playing.