Vytynanka - openwork paper crafts. The most popular type of such craft is a paper snowflake. This art originated many centuries ago in the Far East. China is called the homeland of vytynanki, but a similar art form exists in Japan. Real masters make openwork images without a template and a pencil, using only cutting tools.

Materials and tools
In this technique, you can make Christmas tree decorations, postcards, paintings for interior decoration. To make a vytynanka you will need:
- thin opaque paper;
- scissors;
- boot knife;
- scalpel;
- white paper for the template;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- PVA glue:
- computer with Internet access;
- Printer.
If you are going to make a postcard or a picture, you also need a frame and paper of a contrasting color for the background.
It is not necessary to use white paper for the protrusions. You can take a colored one from a set for children's manual labor.
Making a template
A novice craftsman will need a template to make a volumetric protrusion. You can, of course, use a ready-made scheme, since there are now quite a few magazines published on this type of art. But it's still better to learn how to make templates yourself. Re
represents a fragment of a repeating detail - a patterned edge of a Christmas tree, a flower petal. This can be the whole drawing if you want to make a three-dimensional picture in a frame. The templates can be downloaded, but nothing prevents you from making them yourself, if you know how to draw at least a little. For example, for a Christmas tree (or any other tree), take a piece of paper equal to the size of an A4 folded sheet. If you imagine a tree on a plane, it most resembles a triangle. Connect opposite corners of the workpiece. You will end up with a diagonal. Draw a broken line diagonally consisting of all kinds of curls. The more complex the pattern, the more interesting the Christmas tree will be. Other tree templates look different. You can make a spherical willow (the template is a semicircle with a carved outline) or any other tree that does not have a very noticeable trunk. Cut out the template. You can make openwork notches inside the contour. You need to cut accurately and accurately so that there are no burrs. Internal indentations are best cut with a scalpel. As for the outer edge, then there are options. For a lot of cool curls, nail scissors with rounded ends are fine, as long as they are sharp enough. But you can use both a scalpel and a boot knife.
It will be interesting to look at a herringbone, in which all the edges are cut in different ways. It can be done without a template.
Herringbone, willow and other trees
Fold 4 sheets of A4 paper in half lengthwise. On each sheet, translate the template so that the straight line of the piece coincides with the fold line of the sheet. It is better to redraw the pattern with a firm, well-sharpened pencil. (If you are making willow, two sheets of this format are enough. They need to be cut in half across. Fold each half in half.) Carefully cut the blanks. Lubricate the fold lines with PVA glue and glue the craft. The volumetric vytynanka is ready. You can supplement it with small volumetric stars or balls made using the same technology.
Flower, snowflake, heart
An openwork volumetric flower, ball or heart for Valentine's Day is made in much the same way. Cut the paper into equal rectangles. Fold each rectangle in half. There can be 2, 3 or 4. There is no point in making a flower from more elements, it will turn out to be quite lush anyway. Make a template. It is a rectangle of the same size with the corners cut off. One side should remain straight, along the rest, draw and cut an openwork broken line. Draw the inner contour in parallel to it - it can exactly repeat the outer line, but it's okay if it's just a circle or an oval. Cut out the template along the outer and inner contours. Further, the vytynanka is done in the same way as the herringbone.