The cat in Ancient Egypt was considered a sacred animal, which was massively worshiped. And for killing a cat, the death penalty was imposed. But in Europe in the Middle Ages, cats were treated like the servants of the Devil himself.

A huge number of cats were exterminated, burned at the stake like red-haired girls accused of witchcraft. And in Ancient Russia, people believed that a black cat could pay off the devil for an irredeemable ruble or an invisible hat. All over the world, cats were treated with special respect, or with paranoid fear. What is so special about this animal?

Secrets of feline energy
Many people go to Egypt not only for a wonderful vacation, but also for miracles. Everyone secretly hopes that in this country there are some mystical elements that will help get rid of problems, and a person will be able to realize his desires. For example, make a lot of money, get married, take a career jump, and even lose weight. Some Egyptian drawings, figurines, talismans and amulets really have miraculous powers. But do not forget that Egyptian figurines of cats are funerary attributes. Putting such an object at home is tantamount to decorating an apartment with a cross brought from the cemetery.
The Egyptians installed such figurines on the graves of the dead to mark the border of this world and the other world. To protect against the penetration of evil spirits from the parallel world into our reality.
Cat - a symbol of sacred knowledge and feminine charms
It is known that it was cats that helped rid the island of Cyprus from a huge number of poisonous snakes. And they did this not with the help of magical power, but thanks to their hunting skills and instincts. But the mystical component is also present in this story. After all, the snake is also a symbol of secret knowledge, wisdom. And two characters in one place is, apparently, an overkill. When there were a lot of cats on the island, the snakes wisely crawled into the mountains - out of harm's way.
Cats help restore feminine energy, transfer grace, seduction, sexuality to their mistresses. These animals, like ladies, guard the hearth from evil forces. The cat in the house is a living amulet for protection from negativity. It's no wonder that beautiful seductresses are compared to cats. If the girl manages to adopt the feline vibrations, then no man can resist her spell. If a woman loves cats, then she does not have enough sexual energy, and she replenishes it from these animals. Lonely women often have more than one cat. Thus, they subconsciously try to compensate for the energy imbalance - the bias to the male Yang energy. In this case, cats give up their female Yin energy, and the woman can soon find her happiness in her personal life.
Love and cats
There is a sign among the people: if a man treats cats with love, then he will love his wife forever. Psychologists recommend paying attention to how your partner treats animals, in particular cats. If he openly hates them, then there is a tyrant next to you. And you won't have to expect anything worthwhile in a family with such a monster. It is better to keep a distance from such a person and not let him into your life. You just need to discern the true essence of such a person, his real feelings and intentions. After all, for the sake of prestige and social status, he can get a pedigree expensive cat or dog. But this does not mean that his love is sincere. He could just as well marry a beautiful woman in order to demonstrate her as an expensive thing in the company of successful moneybags.
If you have a cat in the house, then observe how she reacts to guests. When a cat greets them with a hiss or rushes at them, you can be sure that these people did not come with good thoughts. So they have a stone in their bosom.
Cats are able to take on negative energy and process it into positive energy, giving it to their owners. This is similar to how plants take in harmful carbon dioxide and "breathe out" oxygen. Communicate more often with your kitty, stroke her fur, let her sit on your lap and purr. But don't do anything against her will. Otherwise, the balance of subtle energies in your body may be disturbed.