People use a number of things every day. Some are used for their intended purpose, others out of habit, others are perceived as a tribute to fashion. And about some and do not know at all or use them incorrectly.

Step 1
Typically, the eraser is divided into two parts. One part is red, the other is blue. Schoolchildren believe that using the blue half can erase a pen, but end up with a hole in the notebook. In practice, this part of the eraser is necessary if you have to erase a pencil from thick paper, while the red one is more effective for notebook sheets.
Step 2
Many do not understand what a small pocket on jeans is for. However, their history begins in the 20th century, then watches on a chain were popular and it was for them that a small pocket was created, of course, in those days it was larger.
Step 3
Blazers with patches on the sleeves have taken their place in the fashion world. Such things have come to us from the past. During the First World War, German soldiers were forced to crawl on their elbows a lot, as a result of which, their sleeves were quickly wiped, and to avoid this, the soldiers sewed patches on their clothes in advance, thus protecting them from damage. Later, such clothes were appreciated by hunters, and then by the whole world.
Step 4
If you look closely at the keyboard, you will notice that the A and O buttons (in the English F and J layout) have small protrusions. They are useful for those using touch typing. If a person loses the letters, then with his index fingers he will be able to quickly find the necessary buttons, without taking off the screen.
Step 5
A piece of fabric with a button is always included in a set with clothes. Some people think this fabric is for patching. However, manufacturers began to put this piece so that you wash it and can see how the fabric will react to
your powder.