Dolls with "green hair" do not lose their relevance for many decades in a row. The designers loved this idea a lot. As a gift, or for yourself - it's not at all difficult to create such a funny little thing with your own hands.

It is necessary
- - a small round flower pot;
- - a glass of a suitable size;
- - spray paint;
- - glue for ceramics or glass;
- - paint for glass;
- - pencil and brush.
Step 1
Flower Me Happy Pots from Meyer Lavigne were taken for the idea of creating such original and cute flower pots. Since designer home accessories are always quite expensive, I suggest you create them yourself. If you delve into old things, you can find something suitable and create such an interesting doll with plant hair.

Step 2
So, take a small round flower pot and a glass beaker. It is better to use a small ceramic flower pot instead of a glass beaker - the paint will lay on it better.
In order to prepare the product for painting - we clean it from dirt and degrease the surface. Then we glue it together with strong glue. Let it dry, leave it for a few hours.
Now let's move on to painting with spray paint. We apply paint at a distance of 30 cm, so that no smudges form. Better to paint in two layers. After that, we leave the pot for a day - until it dries completely.

Step 3
Now we pick up a brush and paint on glass or ceramics. If you are unsure of your artistic ability, draw the drawing first with a simple pencil. Tip: try the color of the paint on the inside of the pot.
When painting over large areas, it is best to use glass or ceramic paint. For more delicate areas, such as hair or eyes, it is better to use a special glass marker.
Now to the hairstyle. We have drawn a little hair, now we will add a green "head of hair". For her, it is better to choose ground cover plants with small leaves that grow rapidly, for example, saltyrolia, glossostigma, hemiantus. You can pick up plants for hairstyles "for a boy".
It remains to fill the pot with a small layer of fine expanded clay, garden soil and plant the plant!