Dresses were embroidered with beads thousands of years ago, and this only confirms the saying - "Everything new is well forgotten old." Nowadays, beaded decorations on dresses of various styles still look actual and bright, and if some dress seems boring to you, then you should try to revive it with the help of original decorative elements.

Step 1
Embroider the dress with separate beads. In a chaotic manner (the pattern in this case will not be so easy to observe), wash the beads of the color you like on the skirt or corset. Combine them with beads and rhinestones. You can also sew on beads with sequins - pass the needle and thread through the sequin, put the bead on the thread, again pass the needle and thread through the fabric.
Step 2
Use a fabric pencil to mark the pattern you would like to embroider. These can be stripes, pictures, patterns. Sew on the beads one by one, making sure they fit snugly together, but do not overtighten. You can emphasize such embroidered elements with contours of braid, lace or beaded thread in a contrasting color.
Step 3
Prepare the beaded embroidery in advance - use a canvas or thick fabric as a base. So you can make whole inserts with a variety of images by embroidering according to the scheme. Gently sew the embroidery to the dress with a blind seam, and hide the edges under the braid or lace.
Step 4
Weave different figures from beads - butterflies, flowers, animals, and then sew to the dress. Small beaded lilies or roses attached to a corset will look very impressive. Such figures can be hung from a dress using beaded threads - such an ornament will look especially good on a dress in ethnic style.
Step 5
Embroider the dress with beaded threads. String the beads on long threads, and then, laying them on the fabric in the desired pattern, carefully sew. You can only intercept the threads in a few places, and then you get beautiful dangling decorative elements.
Step 6
Weave wide beaded ribbons of the required length in any of the techniques ("mosaic", "canvas", "gothic chain") and decorate the collar, sleeves, hem or belt of the dress with ribbons.