How To Make A Hologram

How To Make A Hologram
How To Make A Hologram

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Today, the interest in visual holography is very high. A holographic image creates the illusion of depth and allows you to see an object from multiple angles. The image is very realistic, so the holographic technique is widely used in design and museum business.

How to make a hologram
How to make a hologram

It is necessary

  • - installation for photographing an object;
  • - helium-neon laser;
  • - photographic apparatus;
  • - developer for photographic film;
  • - bleach;
  • - green torch;
  • - household hair dryer;
  • - overhead projector or pocket flashlight.


Step 1

Learn the principles of holographic imaging. A hologram is a kind of snapshot of an interference pattern formed by two light beams directed at an object from different sides. In this case, the beams must come from the same source, but have a fixed phase difference.

Step 2

To make a hologram at home, use a special laboratory photo installation or make it yourself. Reinforce the rectangular square tube frame on the main frame. Place the frame on a sturdy piece of plywood to ensure that the entire structure is stable. Place the subject to be photographed on the additional tube.

Step 3

The main part of the installation is an optical bench, which has a length of about half a meter. On it, install two holders for the pins that will screw into the lens frame. Use biconcave lenses up to a focal length of 30mm. Paint the optical bench with black matte paint.

Step 4

Place the assembled system on a stable base or table. To reduce harmful vibration, place coffee cans under the table legs, having previously filled them with partially free-flowing material.

Step 5

Take a white sheet of paper and cut it to fit the size of your film. Place the paper on the glass that is inserted into the holding frame. Adjust the lenses so that their centers are aligned with the center of the paper.

Step 6

Use a helium-neon laser with an output power of 5 mW or more to obtain a hologram. Switch on the laser and adjust its height. The laser beam should illuminate the paper evenly. After adjusting the system elements, fix the optical bench to the base, marking the position of the holders.

Step 7

Take a photograph of the object from which you are taking the hologram. The exposure time is determined by the sensitivity of the film and can range from fractions of a second to several seconds. During the production of the picture, the entire structure must be completely motionless, since any vibration will distort the interference pattern.

Step 8

Treat the film in a fine-grained developer and then in a bleach mixture. Whitening makes the hologram lighter. Prepare a bleaching mixture from 30 g of potassium bromide, 30 g of ferrous sulfate and 900 ml of water. After mixing the powders, adjust the bleach volume to 1000 ml.

Step 9

Develop the film under green light. In addition to the green lantern, you will also need a regular hair dryer with adjustable air flow rate. Use a hair dryer during the final drying phase of photographic materials. After developing, bleaching and drying, you will receive a hologram of the object that can be viewed in normal white light, for example, with an overhead projector or a flashlight.
