Paperclip And Button Bookmark

Paperclip And Button Bookmark
Paperclip And Button Bookmark

In order not to spoil the book with curved corners, let's make original bookmarks from what is at hand.

Paper clip and button bookmark
Paper clip and button bookmark

bright buttons, multi-colored paper clips, glue, small pieces of felt (optional).

Such a bookmark is done very quickly and easily. It is enough to choose a button with a wide leg, drop it on the leg and around it with glue and attach it to a paper clip (see photo below). It is important to do this carefully. Wait for the glue to dry.

Paperclip and button bookmark
Paperclip and button bookmark

if the leg of the button is too long, the excess length must be removed with the help of nippers, and then the cut must be leveled with a small file.

The junction of the paper clip and the button can be masked with a small piece of colored felt. To do this, cut out a square or circle of felt of a suitable color and glue it over the junction of the paper clip and the button.

By the way, if you don't have bright buttons, but only the most ordinary, simple ones, you can decorate them. To do this, select a fabric of bright colors with a small pattern and cover the button (cut a circle from the fabric into which you put a button and fasten the fabric on the back with a few neat stitches), then use this button to create a bookmark as described above. In this case, you can additionally secure the button on a paper clip with several stitches.

if you know how to embroider, decorate buttons with one-color fabric, after having embroidered simple patterns, flowers, letters on it.
