How To Make A Bright Bookmark From A Paper Clip And Tape With Your Own Hands

How To Make A Bright Bookmark From A Paper Clip And Tape With Your Own Hands
How To Make A Bright Bookmark From A Paper Clip And Tape With Your Own Hands

A non-standard homemade bookmark will make the process of reading a textbook much more enjoyable. Share this bookmark with your child to stimulate learning and creativity.

Bright paperclip and ribbon bookmark in 1 minute (two ways)
Bright paperclip and ribbon bookmark in 1 minute (two ways)

Wide ribbon and paperclip bookmarks

a satin or cotton ribbon about 1 cm wide (patterned braid is also suitable), paper clips, sewing thread in the color of the ribbon, a needle and scissors, hot glue.

1. Fold the ribbon to form a bow, but do not tie it. Pull the middle of the bow with thread (see photo below).

Wide ribbon and paperclip bookmarks
Wide ribbon and paperclip bookmarks

2. Use a drop of hot glue to secure the bow to a paper clip.

3. Cut a narrow strip from the tape to cover the thread holding the bow (place the strip over the paper clip). The strip must be secured with glue or a pair of blind stitches.

Narrow tape and paperclip bookmark

narrow satin ribbon (several colors), paper clips, scissors.

1. Cut pieces at least 10-12 cm long from ribbons of several colors.

2. Take two or three pieces of ribbons of different colors and tie them with a bow on a paper clip.

Bookmark with narrow tape and paperclip in 1 minute
Bookmark with narrow tape and paperclip in 1 minute

If your child still does not know how to tie a bow, laying out a paper clip and a narrow ribbon can be made easier: take 3-5 pieces of narrow multi-colored ribbons, fold each piece in half and fasten them to a paper clip, passing the free ends of the ribbons through the resulting loop, just as usual attach the tassels to the shawl (see photo below).
